Effects of Alcohol on Weight Gain

What are the Effects of Alcohol on Weight Gain | How to Stop?

Many of our daily habits are associated with pleasure and there are many day-to-day routines that we perform because of some or the other benefits that we get.

Pleasure also leads to addiction and as a result of this, we get used to some unwanted habits, and drinking liquor is one of them.

Though this can cause us various kinds of harm, we will talk about one of the health hazards. This blog will bring to light how Alcohol can lead to an increase in weight gain.

We will look at the reasons why one must stay away from alcohol if you are thinking of shedding weight and some tips to stop consuming it. Let us begin by knowing the reason to quit alcohol.


5 Effects of Alcohol on Weight Gain

If you are on a journey of achieving your ideal weight, you also have to learn ideal habits. Because habits like drinking alcohol can really mess up the work you are putting into your weight loss process.

Here are some effects of alcohol that leads to weight gain:

1. Inhibits Fat-Burning Processes

Not many know that Alcohol is high in calories and increases weight directly. Consumption of a lot of alcohol means higher calorie intake.

This also leads to an increase in hunger and hence, it spikes food intake. Not just that this additive drink also raises unnecessary sugar cravings.

The problem lies in the fact that alcohol is high in calories without offering any nutrition. Also, it spoils our taste buds as it may lead to making poor food choices that too will eventually turn on our weight gain.

All of this is the reason why Alcohol does not stimulate fat-burning but instead obstructs the process.

2. High in Calories

We all are well aware of the fact that alcohol and Body mass are related because this addictive drink is high in calories and high calories mean an increase in body mass.

But, have you ever wondered, why alcohol has a high caloric content? The answer lies in the process of its making. Yes, you read it right.

All alcoholic drinks are made from natural starch and high amounts of sugar. It then undergoes the process of fermentation to make the content turn into either beer, wine, or any kind of alcohol.

This makes it increases the weight because of more calories present. Studies reveal that any alcoholic drink contains about 7 calories per gram making it rich in kilojoules intake.

Alcohol is also an ethanol which is denser in calories.

3. Creates Hormonal Imbalance

Alcohol majorly disturbs the hormones from functioning appropriately. Heavy drinking and weight gain in females are evident. This can lead to changes in their menstrual cycle, in many cases.

Because of the irregularities in menstruation, Alcohol is said to also disturb the ovulation and fertility period which leads to several reproductive disorders.

Other than that, overconsumption of Alcohol may lead to a decrease in the Luteinising Hormone-Releasing Hormone (LHRH). It affects the pituitary gland from functioning appropriately.

4. Disturbs Sleep Quality

The frequency of taking Alcohol also has a role to play in our sleep patterns. A small amount of alcohol consumption can lead to short-term sleep problems or disturbances but a large amount of alcohol can make us face Insomnia.

Hence, Alcohol should not be taken very often. It also prevents the neurotransmitters from activating in the brain cells. This stimulates the brain cells to keep you awake.

When the sleep quality is disturbed, it directly impacts weight gain as lack of sleep will make the body lazy, or overeating due to disturbed sleep will lead to more calorie consumption.

5. Increases Hunger

This is a fact that when you consume alcohol, it increases hunger and makes the tummy growl asking for food.

It not only creates the feeling of hunger but also raises the cravings for sugary or greasy foods. Do you know why it happens?

This is because adult beverages or alcohol stimulate the nerve cells in the brain’s hypothalamus. It leads to hunger and cravings.

So, these were some effects of consuming alcohol on the body that leads to weight gain and that is why it is important to get rid of this habit. Lets know about some useful tips that can be helpful in reducing the consumption on alcohol.


Tips to Stop Alcohol Consumption

It is very important to keep note of the days that you are taking in Alcohol. Make a dairy and start by setting a goal.

A person should make a deadline and initiate by reducing the number of days that are alcohol-free. Not just that, there are many foods that help in staying away from these addictive drinks.

Prefer to have those foods and add them to your daily diet. These foods are basically fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber and digest at a faster speed during detox.

Examples of such food items are bananas, watermelons, blueberries, oranges, sweet potatoes, spinach, avocado, and others.

Consuming whole grains, and low-fat and high in protein foods like Salmon and Broccoli, are the fastest way to detox at home.

Stop getting influenced by peer pressure and just maintain the focus on the goal set. Read more on the harmful effects of alcohol like it affects the liver and kidneys as well.



Alcohol, in any way, is not good for your health. It is important to avoid it strictly. Alcohol and weight gain after 50 is more evident, faster, and more chronic than in other age groups.

Remember it is not only about weight gain but along with it comes all the issues related to it. But Weight Gain is not solely due to alcohol but there are other factors attached to it as well.

All you need to do is create the right balance in life between having proper nutrition, maintaining workout sessions, and refraining from any such habits that can cause harm to your health. Strike a proper balance in living a good lifestyle.

The most important thing is to drink a lot of water because alcohol impacts can only slow down with a good detoxifier and what better than water?

Many times, when a person feels cravings for these addictive drinks, you may choose to replace and indulge your taste buds with several other healthy juices, shakes, diet cokes, etc. All in all, stop taking Alcohol the moment you realize its hazards.

At last, hope this blog helped you to know the dangerous effects of alcohol on weight gain, if you liked it then try to help those who are working hard toward their weight loss goal by sharing this informative blog with them. 

Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.