best collagen supplements

Explore the Best Collagen Supplements to Get Back to Your 20s

Chasing the fountain of youth can feel like a lifelong pursuit, with none of us ever quite reaching it. But does the key to endless youth lie in our hands?

Let’s explore the idea that collagen supplements might be our golden ticket to looking and feeling young.

Collagen is essential for healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints, making it a key player in the anti-aging game.

And while plenty of collagen-rich foods are out there, supplements offer a concentrated dose of what our body needs; especially if we’re not eating enough of those collagen-containing foods or if the body’s production has slowed down with age.

But deciding whether collagen supplements are right for us isn’t always easy. In this blog, we’ll break down everything you need to know about Collagen and answer how it can reduce signs of aging. Plus, we’ll tell you what to look for in the best collagen supplements on the market.


What Is Collagen?

This is a structural protein found in the skin, bones, muscles, and connective tissues. It is one of the human body’s most abundant proteins and helps form a framework for our features by holding cells together.

Our natural production of Collagen decreases with age due to factors like chronic inflammation, diet, or lifestyle choices. This can lead to wrinkles, dryness, and fine lines.

Fortunately, collagen supplements may counteract this decline in collagen production and repair some of the damage done by aging. These supplements are available for topical application and orally as a powder or liquid.

  • The topical application treats wrinkles and dryness and can be applied to the skin or added to our favorite beauty products.
  • Oral collagen supplements are designed to increase the body’s internal collagen production while providing additional nourishment—think vitamins A and C—for better overall skin health.

Now as we know what is Collagen in skin, Let’s have a look at the benefits.


Benefits of Collagen for Skin Health and Appearance

This protein, most commonly derived from animal sources, has amazing benefits.

  • Skin elasticity: Collagen keeps our skin firm and supple, which reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Increased hydration: One of the key benefits of Collagen for women is its ability to improve the skin’s moisture levels and make it look plumper and more youthful.
  • Reduced inflammation: Anti-inflammatory properties in Collagen can reduce redness and inflammation in the skin.
  • Improved skin texture: Another advantage of using collagen supplements is they can improve the skin’s texture and make it smoother and more even.
  • Increased skin thickness: Collagen can enhance the skin’s thickness, ultimately reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Promotes skin healing: This protein promotes the healing of wounds and reduces the appearance of scars.

Apart from these advantages, there are other benefits of using Collagen for skin whitening.


Collagen and Skin Whitening

But how does Collagen cause skin whitening?

  • A study says that collagen plays a vital role in melanin production, the pigment that provides our skin its color. Melanin is produced by melanocytes, cells found in the epidermis, the outermost layer of our skin. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, melanocytes produce more melanin to protect our skin from UV damage.
  • However, excessive exposure to UV radiation can cause an overproduction of melanin, leading to hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the skin. Collagen reduces hyperpigmentation by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, an enzyme involved in melanin synthesis.
  • In addition to its effects on melanin production, Collagen also has skin-brightening properties. It evens skin tone and decreases the appearance of dark spots and blemishes.

Now many of you may want to learn about the side effects.


The Downsides Collagen

As with any supplement, there are negative side effects that we should be aware of. Some people may experience mild redness or irritation after taking a collagen supplement.

Additionally, if you’re allergic to any ingredients found in certain collagen supplements, you should consult a physician before use, as they could aggravate your allergies.

The good news is these effects are mild and will disappear with time.

When choosing a supplement without the collagen side effects on skin, it’s a bit tricky to find out which form is better.


Different Forms of Collagen Supplements

Whether you’re looking for a collagen supplement for healthier skin, nails, and hair, to help firm and tone your skin, or to reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging, there are several different forms available. But what is the difference between them all?


#1. Collagen Proteins

Collagen proteins are one type of collagen supplement that is suitable for ingesting. They contain hydrolyzed collagen peptides or powders from animal sources like cows, fish, pigs, or chickens.

This supplement comes in various forms and can be added to smoothies, coffee, or other beverages. Studies have indicated that taking collagen proteins promotes healthier skin and better joint health.


#2. Collagen Creams and Lotions

Collagen creams and lotions are topical products that contain molecules from animals or plants that replenish moisture.

These ingredients are designed to fill in deep wrinkles and diminish signs of damage on the surface of the skin.

The active ingredient in these products is usually an animal-derived protein known as bovine Collagen, which helps repair damaged skin cells caused by natural aging or environmental damage. Also, most of the users get benefitted by start using collagen for sagging skin.


Which Form is Best for You?

The truth is, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing a collagen supplement —it all depends on the specific goals we want to achieve. If you want an instant visible difference in the skin’s look and feel, topical creams may be the best option.

However, suppose you want something that affects the body internally as well as externally. In that case, ingestible proteins will be more effective at nourishing the entire body with essential nutrients needed for collagen production and tissue regeneration.

Well, supplementing isn’t the only choice. We can get the same benefits from some foods.

Certainly, applying topically won’t just give your skin a fresh and rejuvenating feeling but also help in protecting it from harmful rays. If you’re looking for one such supplement we’ll here discuss a supplement that fulfills all your needs.

Yes, we’re talking about XYZ smart collagen, one of the best collagen supplements that promise to reverse back aging. It is a great mix of natural supplement that helps in preventing the signs of aging and assist in aiding naturally young skin.

When you go through the XYZ Smart Collagen before and after review of its user, they have experienced unparalleled benefits and their skin starts looking younger than before.


Foods That Contain Collagen

Surprisingly, there are plenty of foods and drinks that contain Collagen.

It’s salient to note that our body cannot use the Collagen found in food because it is broken down by our digestive system—just like any other protein.

But, consuming more foods containing Collagen can nourish the body with other essential nutrients needed for producing new collagen molecules.


Foods Rich in Collagen

  • Bone broth or beef broth
  • Fish, such as tuna and salmon
  • Egg whites
  • Berries
  • Dark leafy greens, including spinach and kale
  • Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Black beans, kidney beans, and lentils

In addition to Collagen’s food sources, a variety of supplemental drinks on the market contain this essential building block for healthy skin.

Some brands offer teas blended with collagen peptides to boost the production of the body’s natural collagen molecules; others have formulated juices or smoothies with a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other ingredients known to create healthier skin.



Taking these supplements is a great way to reduce signs of aging and maintain youthful, glowing skin.

From boosting collagen levels to reducing wrinkles, collagen supplements can have many potential benefits for our skin.

However, it is important to evaluate collagen supplements cautiously and be mindful of potential side effects.

Always consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplement and ensure that the supplement is third-party certified for quality. With the right collagen supplement, you can find your fountain of youth.

Also, try to combine facial massages in your diet as there are several benefits of facial massage.

Allen Hicks

Hey Friends, My name is Allen Hicks and I am a health and fitness nutritionist. My passion is to encourage and motivate people to find their best selves through the principles of healthy nutrition, mental well-being and dynamic physical exertion.