can I run after hip surgery

Can I Run After Hip Surgery? Hip Replacement Doctor in Patna

Wondering “Can I run after hip surgery or not?” Worry not as you’re not alone. Many people want to get back to their favorite activities like playing, sports, cycling, or running but they are not sure if it will be safe or not.

It’s a well-aware fact that despite its benefits hip surgery has a disadvantage, which takes a toll on the physical health of the patient. 

This is one of the reasons why a good hip replacement surgeon in Patna doesn’t allow everyone to choose surgery as their first option.

However, if a patient’s condition is severe then he is bound to opt for hip surgery. This is why In this blog, we’ll talk about what you need to know about running after hip surgery along with some other details.

So let’s start the blog without wasting any further time.


Can I Run After Hip Surgery?

Ceramic hip replacement and running are always linked to each other because hip replacement surgery hurts the physical body for some time.

During this period, a patient finds difficulty in performing even simple tasks like walking. This makes the patient wonder if they can run after the surgery. 

Well according to health experts, yes, you can often run after hip surgery, but it will depend on several factors. For example, the type of surgery you had, how well your recovery is going, and your overall health.

Additionally, how well you are following the doctor’s advice and prescription also decides whether you will be able to run after the surgery or not. 

He will provide you with some best exercises after hip replacement which you have to perform regularly for better and faster results.

These physical therapy activities will help you to regain strength and flexibility in your hip. Now you may be wondering, how soon can I run after hip replacement if I follow all the doctor’s advice. So, Let’s find out!


How Long Until I Can Run After a Hip Replacement?

After a hip replacement, patients usually have to wait for 3 to 6 months before they start running again. However, this time frame is not universal as it will vary from person to person.

Sometimes performing exercises for hip replacement after 1 year is not enough for some patients to run like before. Whereas some patients get back on the track in 3 months.

The exact time depends on how well you heal and follow your doctor’s advice. You can do low-impact activities like walking before running.

Always listen to your body and go at your own pace to avoid injury. Also Before starting to run or even walk, don’t forget to get the green light from your doctor to ensure your safety.


light Jogging After Hip Replacement

After hip replacement surgery, you can usually start light jogging but not without your doctor’s permission. Once your doctor gives a thumbs up which will happen around 3-6 months post-surgery.

However, don’t suddenly start jogging as it may put pressure on your hip joints. Start walking and build strength then gradually move to light jogging after hip replacement.

While doing this don’t avoid your physical therapy sessions as they will give you the range of motion to jog and walk properly.

If you feel pain while jogging then stop and get in touch with your doctor ASAP. Discuss the concerns with him and progress slowly.

After being aware of jogging, most people must be thinking “When can I ride a stationary bike after hip replacement or drive a car”.

Well is it, not a Lifelong restriction after the hip replacement to drive a car or bike, but still you have to talk to your doctor about this. Generally, it takes around 6 weeks for a patient to be able to drive a car or ride a bike.

If you wish to know about the hip surgery in detail and still have some questions left like, “When can I do push-ups after hip replacement surgery”.

Then you must get in touch with a top total hip replacement doctor in Patna. If you are not aware of one, then can contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar.

This committed orthosurgeon believes in educating his patients about the treatment as it leads to better results and aftercare.

He is famous in the city for his super-friendly nature and years of experience in the orthopedic field. To get in touch with him you have to visit his official website.



Hip surgery is indeed a very effective way to deal with hip joint issues. But, it also takes a toll on the patient’s physical body.

This is why most of them ask questions like, Can I run after hip surgery or not? Well, according to health experts, you can run after the surgery but it will take some months.

However, this time can be reduced by speeding up the recovery process. If you want to do that then you must get in touch with Dr.Ramakant Kumar.

He is a top orthopedic doctor in Patna who has helped several patients get back on their feet within no time after hip surgery.

He will give you effective advice to speed up the recovery process so that you can run, walk, and jog as quickly as you can.

So, wait no more and contact Dr. Ramakant Kumar if you want to run quickly after the hip surgery.

Dr. Ramakant Kumar

Dr. Ramakant Kumar (MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, Orthopedist) is the best orthopedic & joint replacement surgeon in Patna, Bihar.