causes of sinus infections

Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Sinusitis Infections

In this context, we will cover the causes of chronic sinus infections and more about them.

But let’s first know what is chronic sinusitis?

Sinusitis is a condition in which your sinus gets filled with fluid which causes infection.

When the condition persists longer, it results in chronic sinusitis.

It affects the way mucus normally drains which results in making your nose stuffy.

But one can suffer from a sinus infection without mucus also.

This situation leads to difficulty in breathing and swelling and pain around the eyes, nose.

Notably, this condition also reduces the sense of taste and smell of the food.

Interestingly, there are also some foods that cause sinus problems such as chocolate, cheese, gluten, and bananas.

Moving on, chronic sinus can stay for some time from 10 days to more than 12 weeks. 

There are different ways to treat it, but sometimes surgery is needed when other methods are not responding.

Chronic sinus is a disturbing situation and can affect you inside out. The causes of chronic sinus infections could be as simple as continuous cold to a severe condition like abnormal nose structure.

Causes Of Chronic Sinus Infections

Some common causes of chronic sinus infections are:

#1. Chronic sinusitis can cause if you have an abnormal nose structure. When the wall between nostrils gets crooked, restricting the sinus passage.

#2. It can also cause if you have a weak immune system and you catch a cold easily. When you catch a cold, it causes swelling in the sinuses which prevents the flow of mucus. All this results in pain around your face and the flow of yellow-green mucus for some time.

#3. Nasal polyps are the tissues found inside your nose which when grow, form a round structure like a cyst that blocks the nasal passage or sinuses and cause chronic sinusitis.

#4. There are different types of infection like viral, fungal, or bacterial that cause in sinus which results in a chronic sinusitis infection. One of the most common infections is cold, which swell and inflame the sinus membrane.

#5. Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction that happens when you breathe something that you are allergic to. It can also lead to chronic sinusitis as the inflammation caused by it may lead to nasal polyps and hence can result in one of the causes of chronic sinusitis.

#6. Most of the people who suffer from asthma, experiences sinusitis. Asthma is a well-known chronic disease that causes inflammation in the nasal passage and this is also the condition during sinusitis. People who suffer from chronic sinusitis along with asthma experience that it becomes harder to control asthma.

#7. Other medical conditions that cause chronic sinusitis are cystic fibrosis, HIV, and other immune system-related diseases.

Cystic fibrosis is a disorder that damages the lungs and other organs in the body. It provides the ideal breeding environment for the bacteria.

These were some of the causes of chronic sinus infections. Many people confuse the early stage or mild symptoms of chronic sinusitis as normal cold. However, if you pay a little more attention, you can differentiate between cold and chronic sinusitis infection.

Symptoms Of A Chronic Sinusitis Infection

Here is the list of some symptoms of chronic sinusitis that’ll help you get the right treatment at the right time:

  • Cough
  • Reduced sense of smell and taste
  • Nasal discharge (thick yellow or green discharge from nose)
  • Nasal inflammation
  • Pain, swelling, and tenderness around the face
  • Nasal obstruction or nasal blockage
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Postnasal drainage (means drainage down the back of the throat)

If you observe these symptoms of sinusitis and don’t want to suffer from chronic sinusitis for years, it’s better to seek treatment as soon as possible.

But how can you cure it? Let’s see…

Treatments Of Chronic Sinus Infections

Chronic sinusitis is more than just a common cold and it might get difficult to treat.

Here’s how to cure sinusitis permanently for better health.

  • Oral or injected corticosteroids are the medications that are used to get relief from inflammation caused by sinusitis, especially if you are suffering from nasal polyps.
  • To make the symptoms disappear with treatment, take the antibiotics and other medications your doctor prescribes.
  • Treatment like balloon sinus ostial dilation in which a balloon is put inside a sinus cavity to make it wider by opening it further can also help in giving you relief.

Living with chronic sinusitis is not easy at all. Chronic sinus infections can take a toll on your physical and mental health condition. It may look like a normal infection at first but if left untreated, it could be dangerous.


In this article, you got to know the causes of chronic sinus infectons.

Generally, those people who experienced living with chronic sinusitis know how difficult it is.

So, if you want to reduce the risk of getting chronic sinusitis, follow some simple steps.

  • You can avoid contact with people who have an infection or cold
  • Maintain your hygiene
  • Avoid contact with the things that you are allergic to.

Adding to it, to stay comfortable in this condition, use a humidifier as it will keep the air moist which may further help in preventing sinus.

Avoid exposure to polluted air and quit smoking, as it will irritate and inflame your lungs and nasal passage.

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Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.

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