How Do You Increase Low Hemoglobin

How to Increase Hemoglobin Level Quickly? Top Hospital in Patna

The only time people start thinking about the hemoglobin is when the doctor warns them about their low hemoglobin count.  Unfortunately, hemoglobin isn’t talked about much, but it should be.

This is because low hemoglobin count can give rise to several different issues. Anemia, kidney disease, liver disease, hypothyroidism, and cancer are the result of having low hemoglobin.

This is why the experts of the best hospital in Patna suggest their patients keep their hemoglobin levels in check. Now you must have started to wonder, how can I suddenly increase my hemoglobin?

Well, to know that, read this blog carefully. In this article, we will find out “how do you increase low hemoglobin”.


How Do You Increase Low Hemoglobin?

Hemoglobin is a pigment in our blood that carries oxygen and thier is no need to explain how important oxygen is for our overall health.

This is why every individual should take care of their hemoglobin level. So, what is the fastest way to increase hemoglobin levels:

1. Increase Iron Intake

Eating the right food is the best way to keep your natural bodily function well. This is why knowing which food increases hemoglobin very fast will be life-changing for some people.

Health experts say that consuming foods that are rich in iron is the best option because it helps the body to make red blood cells. Some best iron-rich food options are meat, fish, and eggs.

Vegetarian options are also good like broccoli, leafy greens, nuts, and seeds. If you look at the top 10 hemoglobin food charts then these food options will be there. 

2. Increase Folate Consumption

Apart from iron, folate is another ingredient that helps to increase hemoglobin. It is a type of vitamin B that plays a crucial role in the production of hemoglobin.

According to doctors, our body uses folate to make heme which is part of hemoglobin. This heme assists in the delivery of oxygen which supports our overall bodily function.

So, if you’re wondering how to increase hemoglobin levels quickly other than eating iron-rich food, folate is your answer.

To increase the amount of folate in your body you have to eat green leafy vegetables, rice, peanuts, black-eyed peas, and kidney beans. 

3. Eat More Vitamin C

How to increase hemoglobin naturally? Well in the previous section, we have discussed how increasing  Folate consumption supports the production of heme.

There is also another type of iron which is, non-heme. This non-heme can be eaten through vegetables. But, it is not as bioavailable as the heme.

However, health experts say vitamin C has the potential to make the non-heme iron absorbed by the body.  So, those who want to know how to treat low hemoglobin fast should focus on eating vitamin C-rich food. 

4. Drink nettle tea

After knowing about the foods you must be wondering, what to drink to increase hemoglobin. Nettle tea is one drink that is famous for increasing the production of hemoglobin.

Nettle is a spice that is made from the leaves of the nettle plant and unlike other teas, it supports the hemoglobin. The only problem with this drink is that it tastes similar to vegetable broth which makes it difficult to drink.

But, if you want to know how I can increase my hemoglobin in 24 hours then you must try this drink. 

5. Avoid Iron Blockers

We discussed how nettle tea helps in boosting hemoglobin. But unlike this tea, some common drinks can affect the hemoglobin level negatively which one should avoid.

According to health experts black tea and coffee block the iron which reduces the hemoglobin level. What happens is the tannins in coffee and tea bind with the iron molecule which makes it harder for the body to absorb.

This is why those who are wondering how to increase hemoglobin in a week should stay away from these drinks. 

 So, these were some tips on how do you increase low hemoglobin. If you believe that it’s too late for you and your condition is too severe then you must contact Big Apollo Spectra.

It is known as the Patna best hospital for medical care. Experts at this Apollo Hospital in Patna will not only help in getting your hemoglobin level back at normal but will also help to fix the root cause of your low hemoglobin.

To get in touch with them you have to visit the hospital’s official website. 



It’s very important to keep your hemoglobin level in check otherwise you may suffer from different diseases. This is why in this blog we have tried to figure out how do you increase low hemoglobin.

However, if you have started experiencing the negative side effects of hemoglobin then contact Big Apollo Spectra without wasting any time.

Here you will get the chance to meet the top doctors in Patna who are famous for their experience and expertise. The best part of getting treated at this hospital is that they are very affordable.

Additionally, they also have a world world-class environment that has a super super friendly, and welcoming vibe. So wait no more and contact Big Apollo Spectra if you wish to fix the low hemoglobin issue permanently.