does KSM 66 Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone

Role of KSM 66 Ashwagandha for Men – Does it Increase Testosterone?

Ashwagandha extracts have worldwide fame for their plethora of benefits. Out of all the types of ashwagandha used in the world, the KSM-66 has gained the fastest popularity. Many studies and clinical trials boast the extreme edges of magic KSM-66 can do for your health.


Owing to their highest concentration of root extracts of ashwagandha, their recent surprise is in the field of male health. Recent reports suggest that it can naturally boost testosterone bringing you amazing masculine power.


But how does ashwagandha increase testosterone? Let’s find out as we take you on a journey of rich herbal power.


How does KSM 66 Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone?

The KSM-66 is a 100% natural ashwagandha extract coming straight from its roots. 

Since the roots contain the following bioactive compounds, the product gets you the maximum benefits that ashwagandha can give:

  • Lipophilic component
  • Hydrophilic component
  • 5% withanolides

According to studies, these components together work through different mechanisms to elevate testosterone levels naturally.

While the clear mechanism for KSM-66’s testosterone surge is not known, according to experts it could be because:

  • Ashwagandha can trigger more production of LH, which is the precursor for testosterone.
  • It cuts down the cortisol, or the stress hormone, and hence prevents the testosterone levels from depleting. Since cortisol brings imbalance in the hormones, curbing down stress helps with better functioning of the testes.
  • Anti-oxidants present in the ashwagandha reduce oxidative stress and hence prevent the free radicals from damaging the cells of the testes.

Owing to these three mechanisms, the KSM-66 serves as the best way of surging testosterone levels as stated by many studies. 

Also Read: Ashwagandha Benefits for Men


Studies Linking KSM-66 with Testosterone


The following studies showed that KSM-66 not only boosts testosterone but also improves male health in total:


Study I – Ashwagandha boosts testosterone and semen parameters


A double-blind, random, placebo-controlled study was conducted with 46 males suffering from oligospermia, but otherwise healthy. They were supplemented with KSM-66 and the results showed:


  • 17% increase in testosterone
  • 53% boost in semen volume
  • 167% improvement in sperm concentration 
  • 34% increase in LH
  • 57% surge in sperm motility


Study II – Ashwagandha boosts testosterone


This study from the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition was conducted on 57 men for 8 weeks. They were supplemented with 600 mg of KSM-66 for 8 weeks daily and the results for testosterone levels were noted.


These results showed an increase in T-levels by 18.7%. Hence, both studies raise curiosity about the KSM-66 ashwagandha benefits for men.


Now, that you are sure about “does KSM 66 Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone” let’s check out the benefits of ashwagandha for testosterone benefits. 


Testosterone Benefits of Ashwagandha 

Ashwagandha can naturally provide you with excellent benefits by raising testosterone, as its action helps in:


#1. Boosting Muscle Gains

Ashwagandha stimulates testosterone, and your body’s anabolic metabolism is supported, which results in an increase in amino acids. These amino acids enable muscles to rapidly repair damaged tissue, leading to the synthesis of more muscle cells and subsequent muscle growth.


#2. Increased Strength

No more excuses to stay out of the gym as Ashgwanadha increases the muscle recovery and power of your muscles. With increased strength, you will dodge any obstacles coming your way while lifting weights or grinding at the gym.


#3. Rapid Weight Loss

For people looking to get lean, ashwagandha is your answer. By improving your workout sessions and speeding up your metabolism, the roots can help stimulate your weight loss.


This would further increase the free testosterone levels as fat tends to keep testosterone locked.


#4. Improved Sexual Performance

With the dip in testosterone, your libido and other sexual parameters drop too.

Ashwagandha boosts both testosterone and your sexual functions like libido, semen quality, and sperm health. It also increases your energy for sexual performance.


#5. Reduces stress


Ashgwandha has nootropic effects and antioxidant properties. They hence mimic the actions of GABA and calm down your brain.The anti-oxidant properties balance oxidative stress and prevent cell damage.

With that being said, we are now ready to use ashwagandha and hence the next step to getting back on track is finding out, how to use ashwagandha for testosterone.

Well, there are many ways to do so, like using the KSM-66 as tea, food, and powders.

But the problem comes out to be doing it perfectly and timing the consumption. Hence, we find ashwagandha supplements to be the best possible way of extracting its benefits without messing up our health.


Supplement with KSM 66 ashwagandha

Out of all the supplements that use KSM-66 Ashwagandha, Testol 140 has been rated as the number one T-booster of all time.


Testol 140  – Best T-Booster for Men

Testol 140 is an all-natural testosterone booster famous for reversing the aging cycle by elevating the testosterone secretion naturally. It is the natural and safe alternative to the powerful SARM Testolone 140.  

Its list of ingredients forms the backbone of the excellent Testol 140 review with 668 mg of KSM-66. There are several other ingredients contribute to a testosterone surge along with benefits like:

  1. A rise in endurance by almost 92.2%
  2. Curbing stress by 71.6%
  3. A reduction in fat percentage by 16%
  4. Higher muscle strength, going as high as 138.7%
  5. Energy surge by 12%

These benefits are further backed by the numerous Testol 140 before and after transformations blazing the internet.

The best part of using the supplement is that you don’t have to manage a tedious dosage routine as 4 capsules of Testol 140 a day is enough to get you going.



KSM-66 is the new testosterone booster of town with the roots of its benefits going back in time. It was an ancient remedy for boosting mood, improving the sleep cycle, enhancing sexual functions, and treating mental restlessness.

With all of these benefits coming from the roots, recent studies highlighted its impact on raising testosterone. The best part is the KSM-66 is now being used by multiple testosterone-boosting supplements with the primest being the Testol 140. For better analysis you can also go through Testol 140 before and after reviewing the results.

You have definitely got the answer to “does KSM 66 Ashwagandha Increase Testosterone” or not. For

So, what are you waiting for? Visit the official website now and order your way through a journey of energy and power with Testol 140.

Alex C. Abell

Hey, I am an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach.