How Long Does Temporary Tooth Filling Last

How Long Can Temporary Tooth Filling Last? Best Dentist in Patna

If you are suffering from dental issues like damaged teeth, then you may need dental filling. Will a temporary filling stop pain?

Yes, it will relieve pain and help you manage your dental problems effortlessly. There are two types of filling, permanent or temporary.

Those who have a tight busy schedule and need a temporary solution opt for the second option. To get an effective temporary tooth filling in Patna, you must choose the best dental hospital in Patna.

But, before that you should be aware of “how long does temporary tooth filling last”. This will help you prepare yourself mentally and support the aftercare process.

So, without wasting any time let’s start the blog. 


How long Does Temporary Tooth Filling Last?

Will a temporary filling stop nerve pain? Well according to the health experts of the best government dental hospital in Patna, yes a medicated temporary filling can soothe the nerve pain.

But, it will not last for long because temporary fillings are made with softer material which affects their life span.

So, if you were wondering, can a temporary filling lasts for years, then there is bad news for you. Dental experts claim that a temporary filling can only last up to six to eight weeks.

But it is also true that one can increase this time by taking good care of their fillings.

There are many easy ways to keep your temporary dental filling in check, but we will only talk about the most effective and common ones. 


Caring for Your Temporary Filling

If you are thinking of using temporary tooth filling at home products then you must know how to take care of them properly.

Temporary fillings will not last very long and that’s why you need to take care of them to make them last long. So, here are some aftercare tips for temporary filling that you must follow. 

1. Focus on Oral Hygiene – In the opinion of the experts of the top dental clinic in Patna Boring Road, keeping your oral hygiene in check can do wonders for your temporary filling.

Brushing your teeth twice a day or flossing regularly will remove the stuck food particles that can damage the filling.

But, can I brush my teeth after a root canal with a temporary filling? Yes, it is ok to brush your teeth in this particular situation. But, you need to ask your dentist about the everyday flossing process. 

2. Eat Right Foods – If you are a fan of junk foods, especially those that stick to your mouth then you need to be aware.

Sticky or hard foods can dislodge the fillings. This is why one should opt for softer non-sticky foods like yogurts, soup, and mashed potatoes.

Don’t go for hard foods like nuts and chips which can break the filling. Ask your dentist, how long a temporary filling takes to set”, and make sure to be very mindful of what you eat in that particular time frame. 

3. Chew Carefully – Most people like to chew hard which can affect the temporary filling. These types of filling are not that strong enough to withstand the force of hard biting.

This is the reason why unfinished root canal temporary filling fell out in some patients. Try to chew slowly and avoid those foods that make you take a hard bite.

This will minimize the risk of damaging the filling and will keep it in place. 

4. Use Fluoride Mouthwash – If you know how long a temporary filling lasts after a root canal and want to increase its time, then use fluoride mouthwash.

This type of mouthwash can extend the life of a temporary filling by strengthening the surrounding tooth enamel. This is because fluoride is a mineral that makes the teeth more resistant to tooth decay. 

So, after coming this far in this blog you must have got the answer to your question “How long does temporary tooth filling last”.

Also, through this blog, you get to know some tips that can help the temporary filling last longer. If you want to know more about your dental filling then you must search for ‘best dental clinic near me” to get professional advice.

Sachin’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic is one such place where you will get the chance to meet the best dentist in Patna.

They will tell you how you can extend the life of your filling in a more convenient way. With them, you also don’t have to search for “dental clinic near me with fees” as their prices are very affordable.

From the filling to the dental checkup in Patna, all of the treatments are available here at reasonable prices. You can book an online appointment with them via their official website.



In this blog, we get to know, how long does temporary tooth filling. Additionally, we also come across some useful aftercare tips to make them last longer, than thier expected time.

If you have any other query regarding your temporary dental filling, then you must look for the “best dental clinic near me” to get professional attention.

Sachin’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic is one of the best clinics for that. This is because the dental experts and staff there are super friendly and welcoming.

They will help you to extend the life of your temporary filling through their expertise and years of experience. To get in touch with them you have to book an online appointment via their official website.