How to Prevent Alzheimer's With Diet

How to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease With Food and Diet?

It is said that nothing is ever lost to us as long as we have memories related to them. But, what if your cherished memory starts fading slowly and gradually?

Some people say this is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. But, unfortunately, there are people in this world who suffer from a disease like this which is called Alzheimer’s.

It is a type of dementia that negatively affects thinking, behavior, and memory. In its initial stages, this dementia will result in memory loss, possibly leading to loss of the ability to respond to the environment.

A neurologist in Patna claims that it can create serious difficulty in Patients’ lives by affecting their ability to carry out daily activities.

But the good news is one can save their selves from getting this deadly disease through diet. So, in this blog, we will try to figure out how to prevent Alzheimer’s with diet. 


How to Prevent Alzheimer’s with Diet?

Among the 10 ways to prevent Alzheimer’s, eating the right foods is the most important one. But, to know which type of diet helps prevent this disease we have to first understand how this disease occurs.

According to health experts dementia happens when a person has a great amount of beta-amyloids in their brains.

It is tiny protein pieces that build up in the brain and form clumps that block the regular communication in the brain.

Till now medical science doesn’t have any strategies to prevent this but there’s strong evidence that a healthy lifestyle like eating a nutritious Alzheimer’s diet and exercise can prevent his disease.

Studies claim that inflammation in the body is one of the causes of beta-amyloid buildup in the brain.

So, by eating anti-inflammatory foods we can reduce the risk of getting this dementia.

Additionally, following the Mediterranean diet and the MIND diet is also beneficial for preventing Alzheimer’s. 


5 Food to Eat for Preventing Alzimers 

After knowing how to prevent Alzheimer’s with diet you must be eager to know about the foods to prevent dementia. So, here are some of the foods that you can add to your diet to prevent dementia:

1. Apples

It’s a well-known fact that fruits are one of the healthiest food options to have. They are also good for improving cognitive abilities as they are high in antioxidants.

Some scientific studies show that having apple juice is one of the best ways to preserve memory. They protect the brain from the accumulation of beta-amyloid which leads to Alzheimer’s.  

2. Nuts

Nuts are always linked to better cognitive function, especially the walnuts. This is because they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which reduce inflammation.

Scientific research claims that eating nuts can even improve the memories of those who already have Alzheimer’s.

Nuts may also reduce oxidative stress and cell damage which are beneficial in preventing this dementia.

So, if you were wondering, what is the number one food that fights dementia? Then nuts will be your answer.

3. Fish 

Fish are also rich in omega 3 which is very beneficial for improving cognitive abilities. Health experts say that a diet with a high amount of fish can also slow down cognitive decline which generally happens with age.

Numerous studies have proven the benefits of fish in brain health. They also claim that those who consume at least one serving of fish per week have better cognitive ability than a normal person.

4. Coffee

You know what are 3 foods to slow Alzheimer’s and now let’s talk about the fourth one. People who want to attain a higher focus level at work generally drink coffee.

This clearly shows its benefits to cognitive function. Researchers have found that those who drink 5 to 6 cups of coffee every day have 65% less risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s.

This is why coffee is included in the diet for Alzheimer’s patients.  

5. Drak Leafy Greens

Eating dark leafy green is very beneficial for overall well-being. Studies have also proved that they are also helpful in slowing down the cognitive decline that comes with age.

This is one of the reasons why health experts suggest adding dark leafy green foods to a vascular dementia diet.

They are high in nutrients folate, phylloquinone, nitrate, α-tocopherol, kaempferol, and lutein, which can be extremely beneficial in preventing Alzheimer’s. 

So, consuming these foods is the way how to prevent Alzheimer’s with diet. However, if you believe that you are at a stage where only diet won’t be enough to slow down the progression of your Alzheimers disease then you must get in touch with the best neurologist in Patna.

Big Apollo Spectra is one such hospital where you get the chance to meet top head doctors in Patna under one roof. They are available 24×7 to help you with your issues related to the brain like Alzheimer’s.

If you wish to get in touch with them then contact Big Apollo Spectra Hospital in Patna. 



Suffering from Alzheimer’s can be the worst experience that one has in their life. It affects your cognitive function, especially the memory power.

This is why we have talked about how to prevent Alzheimer’s with diet. Additionally, we have also shed some light on food to eat to prevent this dementia.

Along with that also try to gain knowledge of dementia foods to avoid if you are serious about reducing the risk of having this disease.

You can visit Big Apollo Spectra to learn more about preventing, managing, or even treating Alzheimer’s disease.

Health experts at this Apollo Hospital in Patna will give you personalized care in a very compassionate way.

They are also very affordable and equipped with the latest medical tools to provide world-class treatment.

So wait no more and contact Big Apollo Spectra if you wish to avoid, manage, or treat deadly brain diseases like Alzheimer’s