How to Prevent Teeth Staining

Dental Advice to Prevent Teeth Staining – Smile Bright!

As you grow older you will notice that your teeth don’t have that radiant shine like before. This happens because of discoloration that occurs slowly over the years.

According to a dental multispeciality clinic in Patna, many things affect the witness of your teeth. Consuming certain types of foods, beverages, and tobacco is one of the reasons behind it.

Additionally, age is also a factor that affects your teeth’s whiteness. To fix this issue many people opt for a professional teeth whitening treatment in Patna.

But, as we say, prevention is better than cure. So, how to prevent teeth staining? If you know the answer then read this blog carefully.

We are going to give you some tips on how to avoid teeth yellowing that even the govt dental hospital in Patna advises their clients to follow.


How to Prevent Teeth Staining?

Can stains on your teeth go away? Yes, it will go away through professional dental treatment. But to prevent it you have to follow some tips:

1. Drink Plenty of Water

How to prevent teeth staining from tea? Well, there are many easy ways to do that but the easiest one is drinking plenty of water.

Not only eat tea but after every staining beverage try to drink at least a glass of water. Drinking water just after the staining beverage will rinse off all the staining substances from your teeth.

According to the experts of the best government dental hospital in Patna, one should also try to avoid or limit drinks like coffee, tea, colas, and red wine.

2. Brush After Every Meal

If you wish to keep your teeth white and bright and don’t want to search “best dental clinic near me” for teeth whitening then you must brush your teeth regularly.

Ideally, we know brushing two times a day is good for dental health. But those who desire to have lifelong radiant smiles should brush after every meal.

This may not be possible for everyone but those who consume 3 meals in a day can use this method.

This technique will work for those who wonder how to remove brown stains from teeth naturally.

3. Use a Straw

You are a coffee lover but want to know how to prevent coffee stains on your teeth. Well, first you have to limit your coffee intake and secondly, you can rely on straws.

This will prevent the coffee from making contact with your teeth eventually making them white.

Having coffee and drinks like wine may sound bizarre to some people but this technique works to avoid sudden brown stains on teeth.

This is why many experts at the best dental hospital in Patna advise their clients to use straws.

4. Chew Gum

Do you know how to prevent teeth staining from tea or any beverages in the most fun way? Well, interestingly it is chewing gum.

This advice may sound unreal to some people because of the bad reputation of chewing gum.

According to the dentist of a top dental clinic in Patna Boring Road apart from candy gums that have high amounts of sugar, there are some helpful ones too.

Many brands provide sugar-less chewing gums that help to prevent staining. So, if you are fed up with sudden discoloration of teeth then have a teeth whitening chewing gum.

5. Use A Whitening Toothpaste

We have discussed earlier that the best answer to the question “How do I remove stains from my teeth?” is brushing regularly.

But, do you know that you can benefit from it more by adding whitening toothpaste? Yes, you heard right some brands provide whitening toothpaste that helps get rid of stains.

So these were some effective tips on how to prevent teeth staining. Apart from following these tips getting a regular dental checkup in Patna is also very crucial for keeping your teeth away from stains and dental hazards.

Dr. Sachin’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic is one such place where you can get the best dental checkups in the town.

With them, you don’t have to search “dental clinic near me with fees” as the prices are so reasonable that every individual can afford them.



While figuring out how to prevent teeth staining we get to know that there are so many easy ways to do that.

In this blog, we have given some of the most effective ones so that you can keep a lifelong radiant smile.

However, if you believe that it’s been too late for you to follow these tips and you are suffering from severe tooth pain, then you must come to Sachin’s Multispeciality Dental Clinic.

Here you will get the chance to meet the best dentist in Patna who is famous for their professional teeth-whitening skills. To get in touch with them you must visit the clinic’s official website.