Ways to Beat Monday Blues

Ways to Beat Monday Blues – Tips to Start Your Day with Energy!

Do you often feel a lack of pull to start work on Mondays after the divine weekends?

For instance, feeling lazy on Mondays or having butterflies on Sunday nights thinking about upcoming working days? Bet you do.

This feeling has a name–“Monday blues“. Monday blues are not mental disorders but rather an “anxious” feeling one gets before starting job tasks on Mondays.

There are plenty of reasons why one might feel melancholy or overwhelmed on Monday mornings. It can be job dissatisfaction, a toxic work environment, and more. 

It’s vital to know why the mind feels and Ways to Beat Monday Blues!

So, this blog contains information about Ways to Beat Monday Blues. But before that, let’s see the intangible causes of Monday’s dread.


Possible Causes of Monday Blues

According to a study published in 2020, employees experience low job dissatisfaction and high stress at the beginning of the week. Let’s see why this happens.


#1. Dissatisfaction with the Job Role

At times, people are not happy with what they do. For instance, if someone passionate about editing or writing starts designing/management in the company, they may feel unhappy during weekdays.

Moreover, Mickie James said, “You just have to be true to yourself and do what you love to do.” Many people do the opposite of what Mickie James said! That’s why they feel unhappy about their jobs and seek solace on Sundays.


#2. Disruptions in Thought Patterns

Assuming negative about people and places, thinking in terms of all good or all nasty, and overgeneralizing are some examples of cognitive distortions.

Such thought patterns hinder work performance or drop one’s confidence in their abilities.

Besides, employees might also feel terrible about uncertainties on the weekdays.

Thus, nasty thought patterns are one of the primary causes of Monday blues.


#3. Toxic Work Environment 

The study published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health in 2021 claims that a toxic work environment negatively affects employee engagement.

Why not?

Stressful work culture leads to high rates of absenteeism, poor work performance, lack of productivity, low morale, verbal fights or arguments among employees, high labour turnover, and more. 

It makes employees avoid jobs, or even if they show up on Monday morning, their productivity or creativity will be invisible.

Moreover, stressors can be workplace bullying or harassment, exploitation, favoritism, discrimination, or work overload.  Stress can also leads to other health complications instead of being just overwhelmed that’s why you should also practice relaxing techniques to reduce stress naturally.


#4.  Missing Weekends

Some employees love to party, roam, hang out at night with friends, or go on short trips on weekends. In other words, while some people relax at home during weekends, others might love little outside fun.

Thus, after bathing in fun and entertainment on Sunday, employees might miss happy moments and feel aching blues on Monday.


#5.  Feeling Less Confident About One’s Talent

Have you ever experienced Impostor syndrome? –feeling like a fraud and doubting one’s talent. For example, the individual in a managerial job field might feel he got this role because of his luck or fraud, not because of his talents or skills.

Employees suffering from Impostor Syndrome might feel heavenly on Sundays and dreadful on Mondays. The fear of being exposed as a trickster or incapable makes them hate working days, especially Monday mornings.


#6. Inability to Understand Job Roles

When we don’t understand anything, we tend to run away from it due to fear of being judged or mocked. Isn’t it?

In the same way, when employees don’t understand a concept or solve a problem at hand, they may start hating their jobs and wait for weekdays to end. For them, Sundays feel like paradise and Mondays hell.

After diving deep into “what are Monday blues?” and their causes, it’s time to talk about the effective Ways to Beat Monday Blues into joys.


10 Ways To Beat Monday Blues and Feel Happy At Work

It’s not challenging to beat sadness on Monday mornings. Follow the below-mentioned Ways to Beat Monday Blues and suggestions, and you are good to ride weekdays happily like a motivated soldier.


#1. Exercise on Monday Morning Before Work

Do you know Exercising or running hikes endorphin levels in the body?

Oh, what does endorphin bring to the table?

These brain chemicals are responsible for blocking pain and increasing pleasure and happiness.

So, to kill Monday blues, go to the gym. Another option is to walk or run many kilometers. Doing so will motivate the mind to perform better on the job. Plus, the boss will not “seem” annoying, and exploring documents won’t “feel” like mountaineering.


#2. Wear High-Quality Clothes

Garbing the body in classy or self-soothing clothes may make the person confident and authoritative and help them face challenging problems in the workplace.

Moreover, according to a study published in 2015, clothes influence the way of thinking.

Besides, wearing the best clothes makes us feel confident and helps to make the right decision.

Thus, kill Monday blues with your best-loved garments.


#3. Smile, Smile, and Smile!

Even if you are burning from agitation deep inside, stretching facial muscles(smiling) can trick the brain into believing you’re glad. In other words, adorning the face with a fake smile can make the mood happy.

Furthermore, laughter yoga eliminates stress or anxiety and promotes bliss. Plus, laughing is contagious–if someone sees two people joking and guffawing about something, their visible teeth may make him or her laugh.

It implies your happy mood will positively affect your coworkers. Therefore, lighten up Monday with effective laughter yoga.


#4. Do Some Self-Care

Though self-care should be a lifestyle, make pre-office hours incredible by indulging in self-care activities.

How can one achieve that? 

It’s simple. Consume refreshing fruits topped with seeds and nuts, listen to high-frequency or favorite music, read affirmations or favorite-genre books, talk to loved ones, and practice gratitude.

In simple words, take care of the mind and the body.


#5. Think of Why You Feel Monday Blues

Introspection is the key. If the heart feels something is off, dig deep into the heart. Ask it why it feels a particular way.

It may be due to job challenges, competition, or some grudge against a coworker. It can be anything.

Write down the worries on paper or the phone’s notepad. It will solve half of the problems. Interestingly, it’s a therapy.

Then, think of how to get rid of that situation or challenge. Talk to superiors or managers about the issue.


#6. Do Something Cheerful or Interesting Post-Working Hours

Why not make Monday evenings exciting?

What about trying adrenaline-rush-inducing sports or rides or watching your favorite genre movie? Bet it can metamorphose Monday blues into pinks.

Besides, one can also stroll in the nearby garden with kith or kin. Or watching a Netflix series alone can be a thrilling idea too.

It’s the best way to have some relief from a burdensome or overwhelming Monday. Enjoying something fun after a stressful day is like sleeping on Mother’s lap. Try it.


#7.  Play Soulful Music in the Cabin (If Allowed) 

Some organizations have an incredible culture of starting employees’ day by making them listen to pleasant/energetic music.

On the other hand, some companies ban music during working hours. In that case, you can begin the day by listening to satisfying music on headphones. 

Song suggestion: “Don’t worry, be happy” by Bob Marley. This song brings miracles.


#8. Have Peaceful and Long Sleep on Sunday Night

Peaceful sleep regulates mood and enhances cognitive function. Plus, rest makes the brain learn, retain, and develop.

So, fly to bed at 9 pm and wake up at 6 am to have an uplifting mood and face like the Sun. However, some temptations like late-night movies, WWF, or football matches may come in the way. Fight these temptations to avoid Monday blues.

In short, long hours of sleep are one of the best Ways to Beat Monday Blues.


#9. Don’t Bring Work-Related Stress to the Weekends

It’s crucial to have solid boundaries between work and personal life.

Oh wait, what do boundaries mean?

Boundaries imply not thinking about work during the weekends. It also means not working or taking client calls.

Keep in mind that no job is worth losing the fun weekend time. If the job requires sacrifice, don’t give in or lose yourself. Or else nothing can stop the mind from feeling burnout.


#10. Share the Feelings with Your Best Friend

Never underestimate the power of talk therapy and sharing. Talking to a friend about work challenges or other issues may fill the mind with confidence to tackle anything.

So, call the loved one during the lunch break or before office hours.

Last but not least, once we know: “Why do we get Monday blues?”, finding the solution becomes easy as counting.

Hence, introspection, talk therapy, change in lifestyle, adequate sleep, and fancy clothes help slay Monday’s sadness.



Mondays are not death traps. The problem lies within the mind. Thinking that something is unpleasant makes it unpleasant. The opposite also works.

To fall in love with Mondays, one needs to find the stressors that make one hate Mondays. Is it job tasks you hate or the annoying coworker?

Is it a cultural problem or personal life challenge? Dig deep. Ask oneself, and the solution grounds on one’s hands.

To end, introduce small changes to life to pave the way for massive changes. Do self-care and sleep properly.

Allen Hicks

Hey Friends, My name is Allen Hicks and I am a health and fitness nutritionist. My passion is to encourage and motivate people to find their best selves through the principles of healthy nutrition, mental well-being and dynamic physical exertion.