Ways To Improve Melatonin

What Are The Ways to Improve Melatonin for Better Sleep?

Since melatonin can help in getting better sleep, people are looking for ways to increase this hormone. Basically, Pineal gland produces this hormone to regulate our sleep cycle and the body’s circadian rhythms.

Thus, it is essential for getting a good night’s sleep. If you are looking for ways to increase Melatonin naturally, we’ll take you for a ride with us.

We aim to help you in improving your sleep cycle by boosting levels of melatonin in your body.

After all, insufficient sleep affects our health and day-to-day performance. Today, from melatonin-rich food to lifestyle changes we’ll discuss everything.

Without any further delay, let’s dive into some of the best tips to increase melatonin production.

How to Naturally Promote Melatonin in the Body?

Low melatonin levels can interfere with your sleep cycle and stress you up.

Further, Taking supplements and medication is not only expensive but causes side effects too. Therefore, natural methods to boost melatonin are far better than any drug.

Down below is the answer to, how to naturally increase melatonin in the body:

#1. Lifestyle Changes to Improve Melatonin

If you ask, what affects melatonin production, the first answer is a lifestyle. What you do and your habits affect everything from hormone production to nutrient absorption.

Here are some lifestyle changes that can stimulate the production of this sleep hormone:

  • Meditation

Meditation is well known for its relaxing and calming effects. But, can it really increase melatonin production?

Yes, it can. When your body is relaxed and your nervous system is calm, your body releases melatonin. That’s the reason why studies suggest meditation before bed can help you with restless sleep.

  • Hot Water Bath

When you take a hot water bath and come out of it, your body temperature fluctuates. This sudden up and down in your temperature signals your brain to release melatonin.

Therefore, make a habit of taking hot baths before going to bed. This is the easiest answer to how to trigger melatonin production.

Additionally, scientists think that unwinding in the bath lowers the stress hormone cortisol. This awakens us and triggers the creation of melatonin.

  • Minimize Screen Time Before Bed

Did you know, exposure to blue light can suppress melatonin production in your body?

Thus, you should refrain from using gadgets such as tablets or laptops before going to bed. Additionally, try to sleep in complete darkness to promote the release of this sleep hormone.

  • Try Bedtime Yoga

Yoga before bed won’t only relieve you from muscle pain and soreness but it will also boost melatonin production. For starters try the corpse pose, butterfly pose, and lizard pose before bed.

Additionally, bedtime yoga improves cardiovascular health and promotes joint health.

  • Water Instead of Caffeine

If you are a coffee or a tea addict, this one is especially for you. Try drinking water instead of caffeine as it dresses sleep quality.

Moreover, caffeine can disrupt melatonin production which is not very helpful.

#2. Foods to Promote Melatonin in the Body

What you eat also affects melatonin in the body and improves the sleep cycle. Therefore, let’s look at foods that promote melatonin production:

  • Fruits to Boost Melatonin

Many melatonin-rich fruits can help you increase the body’s production of this hormone. Some of them are goji berries, bananas, tart cherries, and figs.

Besides, all these fruits are rich in antioxidants and will reduce oxidative stress in the body.

  • Calcium-rich Food

Food rich in calcium is one of the easiest ways to increase melatonin in the body. Additionally, drinking calcium-rich beverages such as milk and buttermilk are really helpful.

Moreover, foods like kale, broccoli, and cheese are also good sources of calcium.

  • Poultry and Eggs

Eggs being rich in melatonin and tryptophan can improve the quality of your sleep. Apart from eggs, turkey breast and chicken breast are also effective in promoting melatonin production naturally.

  • Fishes

Ways to Improve Melatonin

Fishes such as sardines and tuna are rich in Vitamin B6 thus, supports better sleep.

Further, being rich in all the nutrients that boost levels of serotonin, fish can improve the quality of your sleep.

By including these foods in your diet, you can easily fight off melatonin deficiency. Moreover, a healthy diet doesn’t need to be boring so mix and match ingredients to create something new.

For instance, instead of eating kale in your salad, try adding them to your smoothies. Further, munching on fresh fruits is good but try making sauces with them to bring a change.

All in all, you can easily improve your sleep cycle with these ways to increase melatonin. Let’s jump into the final segment and have a final discussion on this sleep hormone.

Final Verdict

Summing up everything, we conclude that with good lifestyle choices and foods you can boost melatonin in the body.

All the above-mentioned ways are backed by science to promote sleep hormones.

Along with that, you’ll feel improvement in your physical and mental health with a boost in levels of melatonin.

Hopefully, you will be able to improve your sleep with these ways to increase melatonin.

Refrain yourself from reaching out to sleeping pills, they do more harm than good. Do let us know which of these methods worked out for your sleep.

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