Nitrate for bodybuilding

Nitrate for Bodybuilding – How Does It Affect the Muscles?

Is using nitrate for bodybuilding a good idea? Every bodybuilder and fitness freak is trying to find the answer to that question.

This is because nitrate has become a topic of discussion as more and more bodybuilders are switching to natural products.

Almost everyone is now aware of the harmful side effects of synthetic drugs and supplements. They don’t only harm your health but are also not pocket-friendly.

Whereas, natural ingredients like nitrate can be easily taken from healthy foods, which we will talk about in this blog. But first, let us know how nitrate is useful for bodybuilding.


Benefits of Nitrate for Bodybuilding

nitrates for muscle building

Many professional athletes have used nitrate-rich veggies and they have emerged as one of the best superfoods for bodybuilding and muscle growth. So, here are some benefits of nitrate for building muscle:

1. Improves Blood Flow

It’s a well-known fact that blood flow in the muscles is extremely important during exercise and in recovery time.

Studies have proven that when a person consumes nitrate from a dietary source, the body converts it into nitrites.

These nitrites then convert to nitric oxide, which is known for improving blood flow. It relaxes the vessels which allow the blood to flow properly through muscles.

The relaxation of blood vessels will also help improve high BP problems because of less resistance to blood flow.

It will also enhance performance by making it easy for the body to provide essential nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

2. Improves Oxygen and Nutrition Delivery to Muscles

As we discussed earlier, improving blood flow is important during the exercises as well as in the recovery time.

This is because muscles need oxygen to function as it plays an important role in breaking down metabolic substances, which creates ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).

Blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to the muscles, which means more blood flow is equal to more oxygen.

Furthermore, blood carries nutrients to the muscles, which helps in the post-workout recovery process. So, it’s important to have healthy blood in the muscles for bodybuilding, which can be easily achieved by nitrate.

3. Helps in HIIT Training

If you love performing HIIT workouts to increase testosterone and HGH levels, then consuming nitrates will be extremely beneficial for you.

Faced-paced exercises are known for maximizing muscle size, which is needed in bodybuilding. But it is also difficult to perform as it creates an acidic environment in the muscles, which gives the feeling of a burn.

However, studies suggest that nitric oxide synthesis doesn’t need the help of oxygen. It can survive in the acidic environment created by fast-paced and low-rest exercise.

Furthermore, according to some studies, it also improves muscle contraction, especially in the legs. Improved muscle contraction results in hypertrophy, as it will allow you to put more stress on the muscles.

4. Increase Muscle Force and Contraction

Studies have suggested that taking nitrates from veggies can lead to an increase in muscle force. However, the exact reason behind this is not clear yet scientists believe that the body uses nitric oxide to improve the ability to contract muscles.

Furthermore, there is also another explanation behind the improved muscle contraction. The second theory claims there’s a high possibility that nitrate can release calcium to target the fast-twitch muscle fibers.

This increases the muscle force, which results in improved muscle contractions. Improved muscle force and contraction will help you gain more from each set and rep, which, as a result, will help in building muscles.

Furthermore, as we discussed earlier, the body converts nitrates eventually into nitric oxide, which people tend to take from supplements.

However, health experts suggest that thier is no need to rely on supplements as eating a modest number of veggies like spinach, arugula, lettuce, and beetroot can also provide a person with a sufficient amount of nitrate.



Going through this blog, we learn that using nitrate for bodybuilding or increasing muscle mass is indeed a good idea.

This is because it is filled with numerous benefits that can be helpful for enhancing performance and muscle size.

In this blog, we have discussed 4 of the key properties of nitrate that support bodybuilding.

Furthermore, many brands claim to make the best nitrate supplements in the market, but they can be harmful.

One can get nitrate from natural sources like celery, garlic, carrots, watermelon, and Pomegranate.

Hope you find this blog informative and, if you like it, share it with those gym buddies who are into bodybuilding.

Mike Harris

Mike Harris is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and owner of the Sweat Guy. He is also award-winning health, wellness, and nutrition writer based in the USA. Armed with many training certifications and an exercise science teaching degree, Mike has been working for over 6 years now, helping others achieve optimum health.