Different Types of Exercises

Different Types of Exercises [Which one is Best for You?]

Fitness is everyone’s ultimate goal and we try really hard to achieve it. Many of you already do a variety of physical activities to lead a healthy life.

But, are you aware of all the Different Types of Exercises?

There are many varieties of exercises that can change your fitness game and improve your overall health.

Additionally, exercises are proven to prevent many serious health issues and also boosts mental health. You cannot choose the right exercises for your body without having basic knowledge about them.

Moreover, different exercises give different benefits, you need to plan your exercise routine based on that.

Today, we are sharing a list of different types of exercises to assist you in your fitness journey.

Four Different Types of Exercises

Every type of exercise has its own importance, some will improve your strength while others will boost your endurance. Let’s have a look at 4 different types of exercises:

#1. Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercises are called Endurance Exercises as they make your cardiovascular system strong by training your heart and lungs. These exercises increase your heart rate, making it harder for you to breathe.

Walking, running, swimming, dancing, cycling, and playing sports such as football or tennis come under aerobic exercise.

Additionally, there is equipment available in the gym to perform this type of exercise. They include treadmills, cross-trainers, and cycling machines.

Some major benefits of aerobic exercise:

  • Improves blood flow in muscles
  • Strengthens lungs and heart
  • Maintains blood pressure
  • Increases stamina
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases

#2. Balance Exercises

As we grow older it gets harder for us to be steady on our feet. The best way to prevent this is by doing balance exercises, it improves mobility and reduces the risk of falling.

Additionally, sudden gain and loss of weight can also interfere with your balance. You can prevent this issue with balance exercises.

Moreover, even if you have good balance, performing these exercises can improve your posture.

Standing knee lift, calf raises, toe raise, and standing one foot are some well-known balance-focused exercises. In all these exercises you have to hold your position for a few seconds.

Along with these, Yoga and Tai Chi are also used to gain balance and improve posture.

Here are some major balance exercise benefits:

  • Improves posture
  • Prevents backaches
  • Increases general mobility
  • Strengthens muscles
  • Reduces risk of coronary artery diseases

#3. Flexibility Training

Different Types of Exercises

A flexible body is really helpful in doing many day-to-day activities. A stiff body not only interferes with posture but also reduces muscle mobility.

Besides, you can avoid many injuries while playing sports or doing heavy workouts with a flexible body.

Your gym trainer always makes sure that you do proper stretching before diving into your workout session. Now, you know the reason for that.

Moreover, Yoga and Pilates are the most popular exercises that improve your flexibility. You can easily perform flexibility exercises at home without any equipment.

Benefits of flexibility training:

  • Improves flexibility
  • Maintains proper blood circulation
  • Prevents the risk of injury
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Improves sleep cycle

#4. Strength Exercises

Different Types of Exercises

Strength exercises include heavy lifting and intense workouts. They train your muscles and strengthen them. Pull-ups, push-ups and crunches are some of the best strength exercises.

Moreover, these exercises also assist in the growth of muscles and can boost up your muscle gain journey.

Additionally, it makes many tasks easier to carry out such as lifting heavy shopping bags or carrying cereal/grain bags.

Benefits of strength exercises:

  • Increases muscular endurance
  • Encourages muscle growth
  • Burns calories
  • Improves posture
  • Prevents arthritis
  • Strengthens bones

Now that you are aware of different types of exercises and their benefits, it is time to discuss some other things.

You must be wondering if you should stick to a type of exercise or bring variety to your exercise routine?

Well, let’s feed your curiosity and answer that…

Different Exercises: Why is Variety important?

If you want to get the most out of your exercises then you need to bring variety. Even as a beginner, you can perform many types of exercises at home, depending on your stamina and schedule. Sticking to a specific type of exercise won’t boost up your fitness journey.

For example, strength exercises will assist you in muscle growth, but without aerobic exercises, you won’t be able to build good stamina.

Similarly, only sticking with flexibility exercises may improve your posture, but you can’t lose weight with them.

All in all, you need to perform Different Types of Exercises to reap the most benefits out of your exercise sessions. With that said, let’s have a final discussion and conclude everything.

Final Words

Whether you do different types of workouts for the body at home or gym just be sure to add variety. You need to target your overall body to get a fit body.

Also, you will find so much positive feedback online where people share the results they get from different exercises.

Moreover, you will get faster results if you consume a balanced diet along with exercise. Taking proper nutrients is equally important for a healthy body.

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Alex C. Abell

Hey, I am an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach.

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