Does Cholesterol Affect Blood Pressure

Does Cholesterol Affect Blood Pressure? How are They Related?

In today’s blog, we are going to discuss, does cholesterol affect blood pressure or not by unraveling the connection between these two, which are the most common health issues people face these days.

Have you ever wondered if there’s a connection between these two vital aspects of our health? If so, then you are not only.

Many people often end up wondering if their increased level of cholesterol can negatively impact their blood pressure level.

In this blog, we will deal with this concern easily and understandably. We’ll try to learn more about the science behind the cholesterol problem and how it can potentially influence the blood pressure level.

So, if you’re curious to know whether those cheesy burgers and fries are making your blood pressure worse, then go through this entire blog.


Does Cholesterol Affect Blood Pressure?

does cholesterol increase blood pressure

Cholesterol and high blood pressure, both issues are crucially related to our cardiovascular health. But are cholesterol and blood pressure interlinked? Let’s Know:

Understanding Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is found in our body that serves essential purposes. There are two types of cholesterol, LDL and HDL. High levels of LDL cholesterol can lead to several cardiovascular issues as it can get deposited in the arteries and block the natural rhythm of the heart.

The majority of the level of cholesterol in our body is made by our body itself but we can also get it from the food we consume.

On the other hand, blood pressure is the force that is created by blood against the walls of blood vessels when it flows through them.

High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when our blood vessels become too narrow for the proper flow of blood therefore it can hinder the natural pumping process of the heart.

In this situation, the blood puts more pressure around the vessels, which is known as high blood pressure. Thus, both of these health issues are related to cardiovascular health.

High blood pressure and cholesterol symptoms include the malfunctioning of the heart and increased heart rate. But how can these two be related? Let’s find it out.

Relationship Between Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

According to many researchers, high blood pressure and cholesterol both are primarily independent risk factors, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t be interlinked.

Several researchers have suggested that one can bring down blood pressure immediately if somehow he manages to control his cholesterol levels because higher levels of cholesterol result in the development of high blood pressure and hypertension.

But how does this happen? The endothelium is majorly affected by both of these health issues, which is the inner lining of the blood vessels

As time progresses the endothelium damage can lead to the more disposition of cholesterol in the blood vessels. This situation can lead to atherosclerosis in which the growth of inflammatory cells increases in the body.

Atherosclerosis can narrow down the arteries and restricts the proper blood flow in the vessels. This can disrupt the usual functioning of the heart. The disruption in blood flow can lead to high blood pressure.

Studies have shown that people who have both high cholesterol and high blood pressure, are more prone to the risk of developing cardiovascular health threats such as cardiac arrest and stroke.

So, if you are wondering which is worse, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, then you must remember both have their kind of contribution.


Lifestyle and Diet Impact

Besides the above-mentioned interconnection between high blood pressure and cholesterol, some daily lifestyle habits and diet choices too can be responsible for a connection between these two.

A diet that is rich in saturated fat and trans fat can lead to the development of cholesterol. Furthermore, consuming too much salty and processed food can contribute to the development of high blood pressure in individuals.

Additionally, leading an inactive lifestyle can negatively impact both cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Therefore, you need to pay proper attention to your lifestyle and diet choices to deal with both of these issues.

In the next section of the blog, we are going to guide you with some lifestyle choices which will help you to control both of these evils at once. So, go through it.


How to Control Blood Pressure and Cholesterol?

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level and cholesterol is essential for a strong heart and the overall well-being of individuals.

Let’s quickly take a look at some lifestyle choices, which will help you to effectively control these two health issues:

1. Make a Healthy Diet Option: Choose a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins if you wish to avoid High BP and Cholesterol.

These foods are rich in nutrients and vitamins and are free of excess calories and trans-fat. Also, try to avoid processed and packed food as their full of trans fats and calories.

These kinds of food items can increase cholesterol levels and contribute to elevated blood pressure. So, if you are wondering how to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, focus on your diet. Furthermore, also try to find out what diet is best for your blood type as it has numerous health benefits along with weight loss, which as a result will help in managing cholesterol levels.

2. Stay Active Throughout the Day: Extreme sedentary lifestyle can increase the risk of these health issues. Try to work out for at least one hour a day.

If it is not possible then keep on moving while doing work as this will improve the blood circulation in your body.

Weight gain and fat accumulation can worsen the situation of blood pressure and cholesterol. So, keep an eye on your weight and exercise accordingly.

3. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Lifestyle can play a crucial role while dealing with these issues. This is why it is important to reduce your stress level and abstain from alcohol consumption and smoking.

Furthermore, also try out some relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. These simple yet significant lifestyle choices can greatly impact your overall well-being.

By following these lifestyle choices, you can reduce your chances of having these health issues.


Final Thought

In this blog, we have discussed in detail whether cholesterol affect blood pressure or not. We’ve also tried to guide you with some lifestyle choices which will help you to keep these major health issues at bay.

Although, if you are already struggling with any of these health issues, then you must regularly consult with your healthcare provider and take proper care of it.

We hope you hope to find this blog informative and if you liked it, do share it with those people who are struggling with high BP or Cholesterol.

Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.