how to get rid of back pain in pregnancy

How Can I Ease the Pain in My Back During Pregnancy? 5 Tips

Being pregnant with their child is a wonderful experience for women. However, it’s also a well-known fact that pregnancy takes a toll on a woman’s body.

There are many physical issues one fills during this period and back pain is one of them. But the moms should not worry because according to a lady’s specialist doctor in Patna, back pain is a common part of pregnancy, especially in the later months.

But, it doesn’t mean that you should settle with that pain. We are living in a world where medical science has achieved great heights and has solutions for every issue.

So, in this blog, we will discuss some tips on how to get rid of back pain in Pregnancy.  


How to Get Rid of Back Pain in Pregnancy?

According to the best gynaecologist in Patna females can ease their back pain during their pregnancy if they are willing to follow some tips: 

1. Exercise Regularly

If you wish to know how to manage lower back pain during pregnancy? Then keep your body in movement. It is understandable that during pregnancy it’s pretty difficult to do that but you have to force yourself.

Keep performing mild and gentle exercises that are not very hard on your body. It will strengthen the muscles that support the back and will improve flexibility.

Activities like walking, running, or water exercises are good choices for getting rid of severe back pain during pregnancy. 

2. Practice Good Posture

When should I worry about back pain in pregnancy? Well, according to the experts of the best gynecologist hospital in Patna, you take care of your back when you are in the 4th or 5th month.

This is because as your baby grows the center of gravity shifts forward. To tackle this you will try leaning back which may put extra pressure on your lower back.

This is why a pregnant person must maintain a good posture. So. if you were wondering “Can baby position cause back pain?” then the answer is yes. 

3. Sleep on Your Side

Do you know why pregnancy back pain is worse at night? Well in the opinion of the best gynecologist in Kankarbagh, Patna, poor sleeping posture is one of the biggest reasons for this.

This is why many women try sleeping on their sides during pregnancy as it eases the pain. If you were eager to know how to relieve back pain during pregnancy while sleeping then this was your answer.

You can also use a pregnancy or support pillow to make the side sleeping position more comfortable. 

4. Use Heat or Cold Packs

If you are someone who has just got the good news of being pregnant then you must be wondering “When does back pain start in pregnancy”.

In these earlier phases, this type of issue will not affect you; as your baby grows, you will feel discomfort. lower back pain in pregnancy in the third trimester is very common around the 7th or 8th month.

During this period a woman can use heat or cold packs to ease the pain. lower back pain in the second trimester of pregnancy can also be a possibility if a mom is not taking care of herself. 

5. Wear Support

As we have discussed in the previous section, in the last months of pregnancy most women feel back pain. Among all the several ways using good supporters is one of the best things to reduce back pain in the 8th month of pregnancy.

Try wearing a maternity support belt and sit on a chair with back support or place a pillow behind.

Additionally, if you are wondering can I use balm for back pain during pregnancy? Then the answer is yes you can. 

So, these were some tips on how to get rid of back pain in Pregnancy. We learn that during the 7th or 8th  the back pain arises. But, lower back pain in early pregnancy at 2 weeks is also something that some women experience.

If you are one of them then you must contact a good gynecologist’s hospital in Patna. You are not aware of one of them and are searching for a “gynaecologist hospital near me”? Visit Big Apollo Spectra.

This Apollo Hospital in Patna is one such place that has all the necessary facilities to diagnose and treat issues of pregnant women. To contact them you have to visit their official website.



Being pregnant is the most wonderful experience of a woman’s life. During this period a woman’s body goes through lots of changes which causes discomfort.

Lower back pain is one such discomfort that is very common during pregnancy. But, there are ways to get rid of it. In this blog, we have provided you with 5 tips on how to get rid of back pain in pregnancy.

If these tips fail to give you relief then wait no more and get in touch with a good gynaecologist. Big Apollo Spectra Hospital is one such place that has the availability of some gynecologists in Patna.

They will help you get rid of that annoying back pain in no time. So, wait no more and visit Big Apollo Spectra if you want quick relief from your back pain.