Tips for Rib Fracture in 50s

What Helps Broken Ribs in the Elderly? – 4 Effective Tips

Broken ribs are a common injury that can be caused by numerous reasons. Chest trauma such as a fall, car accident, or impact sustained during sports are some of its common reasons.

Most of the time the rib fractures heal on their own in 5 to 6 weeks. But, it doesn’t mean that one should take it lightly, especially those who are in their 50s.

According to a Ligament Doctor in Patna, rib fractures are more common in adults than younger patients and it affect them the most too.

This common injury can lead to respiratory filters and sometimes be fatal too. This is why in this blog we are going to provide you with some effective tips for rib fracture in 50s. But first, let us know about its symptoms.


What are the Symptoms of a Rib Fracture?

In the previous section, we get to know that rib fractures are common. But, as it is so common, many people fail to detect them in their earlier stages, which makes them worse.

This is why people should be aware of their signs. So, what are the 4 signs and symptoms of a rib fracture?

Well, pain, swelling, tenderness, and bruising are some of the signs of rib fracture that everyone should be aware of.

Knowing these signs will help you in treating and managing the fracture. So, what helps broken ribs in the elderly? Let’s find out!


Tips for Rib Fracture in 50s

How long should I be off work with broken ribs? This is the most common question people ask themself after having a rib fracture.

Well, the recovery time differs according to the individual but one can surely work to reduce their own healing time.

So, here’s what helps fractured ribs heal faster, especially in the elderly:

1. Eat Healthy

If you wonder how to heal broken ribs faster then try eating healthy. Make your diet rich in protein and calcium.

Lean meats and dairy products will be best when suffering from a broken rib. Additionally, try taking vitamin D either from sunlight or food.

All of these foods will support the healing process of the body. This is why elderly people should be encouraged to have them in their daily diet.

2. Try to Ease the Pain

How should you sleep with a fractured rib? It is another question that keeps the patient awake all night.

This happens because the pain that comes with rib fracture creates difficulty in performing daily activities like sleeping.

That’s why elderly people must work closely with their health providers in easing pain. One should know that reduced pain is directly related to better recovery.

If your broken rib pain worsens after a week then it means it’s not recovering.

3. Keep Moving

If you ask a doctor what not to do with broken ribs then he will advise you to avoid high-impact exercises and take it easy for a while.

But taking it easy doesn’t mean you just abandoned physical activity. Moving your body improves blood circulation which supports healing.

Not only that it also helps the patients to prevent stiffness. So if you were confused about whether walking is good for broken ribs then yes it is.

You can also opt for Broken ribs recovery exercises to speed up the healing process.

4. Breathe Easy

Is sleeping good for broken ribs? Yes, sleeping is good for broken ribs as it is the best form of rest that you can give to your body.

But to do that you need to keep your breathing process in check. A broken rib can lead to breathing issues and that is why patients practice some breathing exercises to prevent complications.

So these were some of the tips for rib fracture in 50s. However, if you are someone who is struggling with questions like “Why is my broken rib pain getting worse” then you must get in touch with a top orthopedic doctor.

Dr. Ramaknat Kumar is one such orthopedic specialist who is famous for helping people with muscle and joint issues like rib fractures.

This Joint Replacement Doctor in Patna will diagnose your issue thoroughly and then provide you with world-class treatment.

If you wish to fix your fracture quickly then contact him via his official website.



A rib fracture is a common issue but in the elderly, it can lead to respiratory function failure or even death.

This is why in this blog we have provided you with 4 tips for rib fracture in 50s. If these tips do not give you any results then you may be diagnosed with Long-term effects of broken ribs.

In this condition try getting the attention of the top orthopedic expert in Patna as soon as possible. Dr. Ramakant Kumar will help you in getting rid of this misery in no time.

This bone and joint doctor is well-qualified in treating severe orthopedic conditions and bone fractures.

Not only that the regional folks love to visit him because of his proven success record and friendly environment.

To book an online appointment with Dr. Ramakant Kumar, you must visit his official website.

Dr. Ramakant Kumar

Dr. Ramakant Kumar (MBBS, MS - Orthopaedics, Orthopedist) is the best orthopedic & joint replacement surgeon in Patna, Bihar.