summer skin care routine at home

Summer Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin | Natural Masks to Apply

You must be wondering “how can I get glowing skin in summer?” Don’t worry, we’ll discuss the best summer skin care routine at home in the following blog.

Summer makes the skin sweat and tans a lot. Dehydration makes the skin irritated, red, and dry, damaging the skin tissues.

Hence, there are many remedies for healthy skin in summer. One of the best things in summer we know is to apply sunscreen (high SPF).

SPF cream makes a layer on the skin that protects the skin through harmful UV rays. These UV rays not only burn the skin but also have damaging effects like wrinkles, leathery skin, liver spots, actinic keratosis, and solar elastosis.

To not get these damages you need to use high SPF cream. Normally most people use 30 SPF cream and lotion.

Our body produces sebum which is known as the natural oil of the skin. It makes the skin acne-free. Sebum also cures redness, irritation, and tanning.

Natural ways to produce sebum can be done by applying aloe Vera, washing the face, and drinking water. There are various home remedies that are helpful in the daily summer skin care routine at home.

Summer Skin Care Routine for Dry Skin at Home

summer skincare routine

We discussed above how sebum production ejects the dryness from skin and makes it healthy glowing skin.

So, are you wondering what skin care routine is best for dry skin?

The following tips are for you:

Tips for Natural Hydration Of Skin:

#1: Applying Honey

Honey is a natural moisturizer, which produces natural sebum. Anti-acne and good for healthy skin.

#2: Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a wild cactus plant that has many benefits. Applying aloe vera after washing your face heals the redness of the skin and keeps it moisturized.

#3: Try Coconut Oil

Applying coconut oil at room temperature reduces dryness and redness of the skin. It is the natural oil that hydrates the body.

#4: Add Olive Oil

Olive oil is the best oil for the heart and skin too. It improves the skin texture and smooths the skin with its rich nutrient that also helps in curing wrinkles.

#5: Trust Lemon

Lemon is a pure form of citric acid, it absorbs the dirty oil from the skin, and works as a natural exfoliator.

Now, let’s see some natural masks that you can apply for dry skin…

Natural Masks to Apply for Dry Skin

Following the the best natural masks to apply for dry skin:

#1: Oatmeal Mask

Oats soothe the skin and cucumber hydrates the dry skin.

Mix 3 tbsp of oats, 1 tbsp of cucumber, and 1 tbsp of yogurt.

Apply it to the face and let it dry and rinse it off with lukewarm water.

#2: Rose Water and Almond

Almonds contain vitamin E which prevents dry skin. Rosewater is a natural toner that makes the skin glow and works on unclogged pores.

Take 10 almonds and soak them overnight. The next morning grind the soaked almonds and mix the rosewater. Apply it normally and then wash it off.

#3: Sandalwood Face Mask

Sandalwood works as a cooling agent for the skin.

Put 3 tbsp of sandalwood with some rose water. Mix it until it forms a thick paste.

Apply the paste for 10 minutes and rinse it off with normal water. Pat dry after washing the face.

This mask would also be a great addition in skincare routine for sensitive skin.

#4. Unique Milk Mask

The is now questioning the moisturizing effects of milk. Interestingly, lactic acid also helps with removing dead skin cells.

Milk is not only easily accessible but is highly effective as well.

This face mask includes milk, honey, aloe Vera, and essential oils.

Use the mask twice a week and witness the softness of your skin returning.

#5. Banana, Curd, and Honey Face Mask

This face mask is essentially for severe to moderately dry skin.

While banana moisturizes the dry skin, curd proves freshness with its antioxidant properties, honey brings back the glow and smoothness in the skin.

All you have to do is mix 1 mashed banana with 2 spoons of curd and honey. Apply it for 15 minutes and wash it.

Use it twice a week and witness the transformation yourself.

Above discussed were some of the best face masks to increase sebum and make your skin nourished.

Dehydration and malnutrition also cause dry skin. Nutrients like minerals, iron, vitamins, and iodine are essential supplements for healthy and glowing skin.

Thus, make sure to apply a face mask twice a week and maintain a healthy diet with plenty of water.

In summer make sure to apply SPF sunscreen after applying moisturizer. Moisturizer is applicable in any season.

There is no particular season for applying moisturizer. In summer our skin needs a perfect quantity of moisturizer and after that SPF cream for the protection of the skin.

Conclusion: Best Summer Skin Care Routine

Discussed Tips in this blog are also applicable for summer night skin care routine. Applying aloe vera and rose water overnight is also very helpful in keeping the skin hydrated.

Make sure to take a bath after coming home and applying moisturizer all over the body.

It will maintain the hydration of the body. Drinking plenty of water and eating rich fiber fruits are also necessary.

Dry skin can also be a result of a bad diet. Unhealthy food causes indigestion and that results in dehydration and bad digestion, which alternatively makes the skin dry.

Keep up a healthy diet to maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Hope this blog helps you to know about the best home remedies for dry skin.

Share with your friends and family and let me know your views in the comment section.

Also Read: Winter Skincare Tips and Tricks

Crylon Folwer

Crylon Folwer is a dietician who campaigns the use of a customized diet plan and workout program in order to live the most healthy lifestyle. Crylon acquired her education from the University of Washington and started her career as a professional after realizing her passions in the healthcare industry. Her interests include evening walks, reading, and writing.

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