Best probiotic strains for SIBO

5 Probiotic Strains for SIBO | Beneficial for Gut Disease

Are you suffering from Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, or a health condition popularly known as SIBO? Then you must know about the best probiotic strains for SIBO which can resolve all the discomforts that you have been dealing with for years.

SIBO is such a disturbing digestive issue that needs proper attention at the earliest possible stage.

But did you know that probiotics can be a fantastic aid to help you in the situation of SIBO?

Well, probiotics are good bacteria that can balance the bacterial imbalance in the gut and intestine and help people to get rid of any such existing issue.

But before using probiotics for dealing with SIBO, one must know about the strains and their potential capabilities in reducing the issue.

So, let’s get a proper understanding of SIBO and probiotics, to make informed decisions.


What is SIBO?

Before knowing about the probiotic strains to treat SIBO, it is essential to know the issue at its root. Do you know what exactly SIBO is?

As we have already mentioned SIBO is the short form of the digestive issue called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth.

What leads to the growth of SIBO in individuals? Let’s imagine your small intestine as a bustling city that is filled with helpful bacteria, but SIBO throws a party that gets out of control. Then what will be the result?

The presence of too many bacteria without a popper host will lead to extreme chaos, which will disrupt the natural working procedure of the GI tract.

You don’t have any idea what the disruption of the GI tract will lead to. It will create several gastrointestinal symptoms like bloating, gas, and even sometimes diarrhea.

But it must be noted that all of these bacteria can’t be marked as harmful, rather it can be said that they are in the wrong place.

But what is the remedy to maintain the bacterial chaos? Studies have suggested that soil-based probiotics for SIBO can be an excellent way to maintain the balance.

So, which will be the best strains of probiotics that will work the best? Let’s find it out!


How to Treat SIBO?

SIBO is like a hell of an uncomfortable situation that requires prompt remedy. If you are suffering from these situations of bacterial overgrowth, then you should count, the good bacteria, called probiotics, for your rescue.

However, when you are trying to defeat SIBO, you need to be selective about your probiotic allies, as not all of them will be your mates on this journey.

Some of them can backstab you by worsening the situation even more. So, the secret of probiotics’ effectiveness is based on choosing the right strain and tailoring them perfectly as per your needs.

Knowing about the most effective strains will help you to understand the SIBO probiotics to avoid and choose the one that will work.


5 Best Probiotic Strains for SIBO

which probiotic strains are best for sibo

Now, focus on the strains that we are going to discuss as these will be the best ones who will be there for you when you will fight off SIBO.

These strains along with their potential impact on SIBO can be the best secret weapons possible.

1. Bacillus Coagulans

This is one of the most prominent strains that has earned its place in the battle of SIBO. The specific characteristics that make this probiotic strain capable of this battle are:

#1. This probiotic strain can survive the harsh stomach acid and it can go all the way long to a small intensity while remaining intact.

#2. It maintains the role of probiotics by maintaining the gut balance of bacteria.

#3. One of the basic issues related to SIBO is indigestion, and this strain aids in digestion and other related symptoms of SIBO.

2. Saccharomyces boulardii

Don’t get confused with its complicated name, this strain is a literal superstar which has been used for the past three decades to deal with the symptoms of SIBO. The main characteristics of this strain are:

#1. This strain effectively balances the gut flora which is specifically beneficial to deal with challenges created by SIBO.

#2. S. boulardii supports the healthy immune response in the gut, which makes it an amazing choice for SIBO.

#3. It helps in maintaining gut barrier integrity and can impactfully reduce diarrhea and other gut-related symptoms.

3. Lactobacillus Plantarum

It is another efficient bacterial strain that can do wonders for your gut health. This is why many probiotic supplements use it in their formula and Yourbiology Gut + is one of them.

According to Yourbiology gut+ probiotics reviews, this supplement uses Lactobacillus Plantarum as a key ingredient, because it helps the user eliminate bloating and cramping.

Here are some other pros of this strain:

#1. Reduces gut inflammation and promotes gut lining health.

#2. Offers swift relief from bloating, gas, and other discomforts related to SIBO.

#3. Supports a balanced gut environment and overall digestive well-being.

4. Bifidobacterium Infantis

As the name of the strain suggests, this strain is a member of the Bifidobacterium family which is known for its ability to promote positive gut health. The characteristics of this strain include:

#1. Supports gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and a balanced gut microbiome.

#2. It has the potential to reduce digestive discomfort and irregularities.

#3. May contribute to better overall gut barrier functions.

5. Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Nowadays, this probiotic strain has gained a lot of popularity due to its amazing impact on gut motility. What makes this strain suitable to deal with SIBO are:

#1. By supporting gut motility, this strain promotes a smoother bowel movement.

#2. It can promote an overall balanced gut environment.

#3. This can efficiently deal with SIBO symptoms like constipation, gas, and bloating. Notably, this is one of the best probiotics for SIBO constipation.

So, these are some of the major and most efficient probiotic strains which will help you to get rid of your SIBO symptoms, forever.

Furtmeroe, These strains will only help you in treating SIBO but they will provide with you numerous benefits that will promote a healthy gut.

So, whenever your body gives you signs of an unhealthy gut, use these probiotic strains to deal with them.


Final Thought

In this blog, we have tried to guide our readers with some amazing probiotic strains that will effectively alleviate the symptoms of the uncomfortable situation of SIBO.

SIBO is a gut disease that occurs due to the overgrowth of gut bacteria in the small intestine. No matter whether it is a good bacterium or a bad one, anything in excess is harmful to your health.

However it must be noted that all the probiotics may not necessarily work the same for all, so it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before considering any of these strains.

Hope this blog helped you to know about some of the best probiotic strains for SIBO, and if you liked it do, share it with those who are suffering from SIBO.

Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.