Build Muscle Naturally

How to Build Muscle Naturally Without Taking Supplements?

Are you looking for How to Build Muscle Naturally?

Then, this article is for you.

Muscle building is a slow and steadily progressive process. Nobody can see natural muscle-building results immediately.

To build muscle naturally, you need to take more calories than you burn every day.

But taking more calories doesn’t mean starting having junk food regularly.

You can do it naturally by eating muscle gain food, like milk, rice, red meat, and so on, more frequently.

So, now, you must be thinking, how many calories do you need to take every day to build muscle naturally?

Since the need for calories per day differs from person to person based on their demographic(Age, Gender, Height, Weight).

So, the answer can’t be the same for everyone. But you need to increase five to ten percent of your daily calories.

However, it not only depends upon Calories. It depends upon many different factors.

That’s why I’m sharing 5 simple tips to build muscle naturally in the coming section.

So, let’s start with it.


5 Simple Tips to Build Muscle Naturally

Building muscle naturally can be slow, but the finest for build muscle.

There are many tips for muscle gain, but may ask you to take supplements.

And sometimes, taking muscle-building supplements can’t be a good choice for your health.

That’s why you need some natural muscle-building tips.

Therefore, we are sharing 5 Simple Tips to Build Muscle Naturally.


#1. Start With Picking the Right Exercise

Muscle-building exercises are specific for different parts of your body.

It means if you want to build muscle around your biceps, choose the exercise that works for your biceps.

Or, if you want to build muscle around your chest, choose an exercise that works for it. And so on.

Always take care of what exercise you are doing because any bad of it can lead you to nowhere or to failure, or it may harm you physically.

Therefore, picking the right exercise is mandatory to build muscle naturally.


#2. Regular Workout

When it comes to workouts, you need to be regular.

You must work out for at least three days a week to gain muscle naturally.

It is not compulsory for everyone to work out three days a week. It depends on the individual.

If you have a good fitness level, you can increase your workout regularity. It all depends on you.

But always take care of your health. Never overdo any exercise to build muscle fast.

It would be best if you plan your workout chart according to your need and health condition.

You can take advice from your trainer for building your regular workout chart.


#3. Drink Enough Water

Did you ever think water could help you gain muscle naturally?

If yes, then you are right. Water does help to gain muscle naturally.

You may have heard that people who want to enhance their muscle cuts do not drink much water.

Do you know why? Because your muscle contains eighty percent water and minerals.

We know water can’t provide energy like proteins or carbs, but it is essential to balance your muscle composition.

That means when your body gets dehydrated, especially in heavy workouts, you won’t be able to perform properly.

Drinking a proper amount of water can help in many ways like pumping muscle, preventing muscle breakdown, improving muscle growth, and many more.

Therefore, drinking enough water can help you build muscle naturally.

Moreover, drinking enough water is always good for your health. Even if you’re on a vegan bodybuilding diet try to fulfill the needs for carbs and protein.


#4.  Take the Proper Amount of Carbs and Protein

There is some misconception about intaking Carbs and Protein when it comes to natural muscle building.

Like, you must try to take more and more carbs than proteins to build muscle naturally.

However, this is not completely true when we want to build muscle naturally.

Carbs help gain muscle naturally, and protein helps build muscle strength.

Both Carbs and Proteins play an important role in building muscle naturally.

But there are many clichés about both of them which are not accurate.

So, before believing in any cliché, first, consult your dietician.

And ask your dietician to make a proper diet according to your body.

So you can take a proper amount of Carbs and Proteins to build muscle naturally.


#5. Take Proper Rest

Taking proper rest plays the most important role in building muscle naturally.

It is essential to take rest for better muscle growth naturally.

As we work out to gain muscle naturally, there is a chance of causing micro-tears in muscles.

These micro-tears are caused due to damaged muscle fiber, which happens due to the pressure we exert on muscles.

And when we take a rest, our body heals the micro-tears present in our body with the help of a cell called fibroblasts.

So, by taking proper rest, our damaged tissue heals, resulting in strong muscles.

Therefore taking rest is very important for natural muscle building.

After implementing all these 5 Simple Tips to Build Muscle Naturally, you must be thinking about how long it takes to build muscle naturally. Well, it’s also viable to know what among them boosts endurance and strength and what’s the difference among the. Consider this Muscle strength vs endurance to know more.

So, let’s get the answer.


How Long Does It Take to Build Muscle Naturally?

We hear this common question whenever someone starts to gain muscle naturally.

And for your information, we can say there is no specific answer to this question.

But just for a general idea, we can say it can at least take three to four weeks to see minor results.

The time needs to build muscle naturally depends upon some factors like:

  • Gender
  • Medical Health.
  • Workout Frequency.

And many more things on which it depends.

So, if you want to build muscle naturally, do your work properly and have patience.



Building Muscle Naturally is not an easy task to do.

It needs commitment, consistency, and a lot of hard work to conquer your muscle-building goal.

In this article, we have discussed 5 Tips on How to Build Muscle Naturally.

So, follow all the provided tips carefully through your natural muscle-building journey.

NOTE: Always consult your trainer and dietician before doing any workout or taking and diet respectively.

We have also discussed how long it takes to muscle naturally. So, just be consistent and have patience for the result.

But, there are people who want immediate results in their muscle gain without any health problems.

But as I said, natural muscle building takes time.

You can also read: EZ Curl Bar Workouts: How to Do a Curl Bar Exercises at Home?

Alex C. Abell

Hey, I am an innovative fitness training service provider inspiring people to create lives that are Healthy, Empowered, and Strong. He like to coach, lead, teach and work within a team that inspires action. Currently employed with the Town of Bradford West Gwillimbury as a Gym Coach.

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