how to decrease fatigue during pregnancy

Pregnancy Fatigue: How To Decrease Tiredness During Pregnancy?

Are you pregnant or know someone pregnant who wants to know how to decrease fatigue during pregnancy?

Well, you’ve landed at the right place.

When a woman is pregnant her body experiences a lot of changes. 

These changes are painful, as she has to keep a baby in her womb for 9 months. Some of the circumstances she feels are weakness, nausea, lower belly pain, fever, and tiredness.

When a woman is 5 months pregnant and her womb increases in shape, she feels fatigued after an hour. If she doesn’t get enough time to rest she might feel heavy dizziness which can be risky. 

So every pregnant woman needs to be very conscious about her health and strength during her maternity. 

Fatigue is the most common and most overlooked health issue during pregnancy that needs to be addressed.

So, here in this blog, we are about to discuss how to decrease tiredness during pregnancy.

How To Decrease Fatigue During Pregnancy? [10 Ways]

Pregnancy comes with a lot of hormonal changes. Women have to go through a lot physically and mentally during the pregnancy and also after that. 

Feeling constant fatigue and tiredness is one of the common feelings among pregnant women. It’s important for women who are about to give birth to be active for a healthy pregnancy. 

Here are some of the ways to reduce fatigue during pregnancy.

#1. Sleep Properly

Sleep is the most effective way to give proper rest to our body. As 8hrs sleep is compulsory scientifically, a pregnant woman needs to sleep 9-10 hrs in 24 hrs.

So she can feel relief in her mood swings, pain, dizziness, and cautiousness. 

#2. Yoga

Yoga is the best way to release stress. There are maternity asanas in yoga for pregnant women. Asana like bhadrasana, trikonasana, marjariasana, parvatasana and shavasana.

These asanas relax the muscles and try to give strength to your side muscles, legs, and hand muscles. It also helps to reduce nausea.

#3. Don’t Drink Too Much Coffee

As much as possible, try to avoid drinking tea and coffee. Coffee and tea consumption might leave you with a burning sensation while using the bathroom. 

Try to drink juice and coconut water to keep yourself hydrated. 

#4. Avoid Taking Pressure

Too much stress will also leave you with fatigue feeling and will make you exhaust easily even if you are not working. Stress is not healthy for anyone let alone the pregnant woman.

So, avoid taking the stress and meditate to calm yourself. Although fatigue feeling is common, you mustn’t get used to it. 

#5. Time Table Of Eating

Each meal in 24hrs should have a 4 hr of a gap in between. This is important to note because the hunger of pregnant women increases. 

It also gives her mood swings and constant rest increases fatigue. So proper eating helps to reduce fatigue and helps her with a better mood for the time being. 

#6. Intake Fiber Food

Boiled foods are the best food to take when you are pregnant. Like boiled spinach (rich in iron), raw carrots, raw tomatoes (increase blood), boiled oats, boiled veggie soup, and a lot of fruits. 

#7. Try Some Fresh Fruits

The best way to feel refreshed is to eat some natural fruits. Giving a pregnant woman some juicy fruits and lukewarm water can help her feel energetic and lively.

It will make her feel refreshed and stress-free instantly.

#8. Get Some Meat

When pregnant, women have to deal with a lot of hormonal changes. Along with this, lack of nutrients is also common during pregnancy which is one of the primary reasons behind fatigue.

Eating flesh can provide pregnant woman and their child with ample nutrients and help them get over fatigue and tiredness.

#9. Work less

If you are a working woman, there are higher chances of you feeling fatigued because of all the work pressure and traveling.

Try to manage work and pregnancy with short breaks and good food. If required, avail of the maternity leaves and enjoy a stress-free and lively pregnancy.

#10. Give Attention

This is for those to keep in mind who is taking care of pregnant women.

A pregnant woman will suffer from so many hormonal imbalances which will lead to mood swings, she will be angry, sad, at the same time.

Giving her more attention and care can boost her motivation and help her deal with the pain in a good way. Every impact on her will affect her baby so keep that generosity with her. 

These were some of the easy ways to reduce or decrease fatigue during pregnancy.

Final Thoughts

Pregnancy is beautiful yet painful. It often makes women feel stressed, fatigued, exhausted and leaves them with more mood swings and low immune.

All women are made in such a way that they can endure pain but that doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t be cared for.

 Right? With just a little care and attention, this fatigued feeling can just vanish. Keep in mind the above points on how to decrease fatigue during pregnancy and enjoy every moment of the precious journey. 

Hope you enjoyed the blog.

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Marcus Elburn

Marcus Elburn has been a healthcare professional for over a decade. With an educational background in Therapeutics, Drug Development, and Human Toxicology, his research interests include integrative medicine, cardiovascular fitness, and metabolic health and its relation to weight loss. He is very much into fitness and enjoys cycling and running. When not working, he takes time out to write journals or binge-watch classic shows.

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