Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux

7 Best Ways to Get Rid of Acid Reflux And Heartburn Naturally

One of the most typical digestive illnesses is heartburn or acid reflux, which almost always happens at night.

That burning sensation behind the breastbone or in the chest area is mistaken for a heart attack by people. Basically, acid reflux is a condition that is the result of poor lifestyle and eating habits.

If you are wondering how to prevent acid reflux and heartburn, we have the information.

After all, regular occurrences of it might lead to many digestive issues. People often reach out to expensive medications to get rid of acid reflux.

But, do you know, you can easily fight off this painful condition in natural ways?

Some Natural Ways to Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux

According to recent studies conducted in the US, 7% of people have acid reflux on a daily basis. Furthermore, 15% of people report having this symptom at least once every week.

The issue is most people do not take it seriously but they should. Acid reflux can seriously damage your organs and make you miserable.

There are a variety of methods that are answers to, How to Get Rid of Acid Reflux fast:

#1. Include Fiber-Rich Food

Consuming foods high in fiber can reduce heartburn in a number of different ways.  Essentially, fiber increases gastric motility, food passes through the digestive system more quickly.

When you don’t consume enough fiber, food sits in your stomach longer and produces more acid. Additionally, fiber may neutralize acid and make you feel satisfied more quickly, preventing overeating.

Whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits are examples of foods that are high in fiber. As you can see, there are so many strategies to prevent the occurrence of heartburn.

Including them in your lifestyle might assist you with the irritation in your stomach. With better health, you will be able to be more productive and active.

#2. Eat Alkaline Food

alkaline food

Low pH foods are acidic and more prone to cause reflux than those with a higher pH. If you will look for what foods help acid reflux go away, you’ll come face to face with alkaline food.

Basically, higher pH values are alkaline and can help counteract highly acidic stomach contents.

Bananas, melons, and cauliflowers are some of the alkaline foods that you can eat.

#3. Sleep on your Left Side

If you must snooze or fall asleep just after eating, sleeping on your left side can help you avoid heartburn.

Due to the curvature of the stomach, laying on the left allows gravity to do the work of preventing acid from entering the esophagus.

A different choice is to raise the head side of the bed so you can incline it while you sleep.

#4. Try Aloe Vera Juice

aloevera juice

Aloe vera juice has anti-inflammatory properties thus, it can soothe the lining of your stomach.

According to a study, daily consumption of aloe vera syrup can reduce the frequency of heartburn. Along with that, it can also improve the overall digestive system.

Further, aloe vera can aid in calming gastrointestinal irritability. In addition, it might assist in defending the mucous membrane of organs.

#5. Eat Smaller Meals

One or two large meals per day can exacerbate acid reflux. When you consume too much, the food may come back up in your esophagus, causing acid reflux.

This may result in too much stomach acid and cause heartburn. Instead, eat smaller, more regular meals.

In short, eating smaller meals is an easy answer to how to get rid of acid reflux.

#6. Chewing Gum

chewing gum

Chewing gum increases saliva production, which can alleviate reflux when you swallow.

Additionally, swallowing itself may aid in forcing stomach contents back into the stomach. As long as you avoid ingesting a lot of artificially sweetened gum, this technique is safe.

However, Gum chewing may also result in more air ingestion, which can result in more flatulence. Therefore, utilize them moderately.

#7. Check Your Medication

Many drugs have the potential to raise your risk of developing GERD. They can do this either by relaxing the LES or interfering with digestion.

Additionally, some medicines may aggravate an already inflamed esophagus. Therefore, do consult your doctor if you start to get symptoms of acid reflux after starting a medication.

Now that you know how to prevent heartburn naturally, let’s look at the things you must avoid.

Things that can Trigger Acid Reflux

Here is the list of things that you need to avoid if you do not want to go through the painful experience of heartburn:

  • Alcohol
  • Tea and coffee(caffeine)
  • Obesity(Get rid of extra fat)
  • Tight fighting clothes
  • Smoking
  • Fatty foods(fries, wafers, burgers, chicken nuggets)
  • Acidic foods(orange, tomato, peppermint)

By preventing these things you can fight off the causes of Acid Reflux. When drugs and lifestyle changes were unable to relieve bothersome acid reflux and heartburn, surgery is the only possibility.

Therefore, if you don’t want a trip to the operation theater, get to work and embrace good habits.

Finally, let’s sum up everything and give you our final words in the next section.

Final Words

By summing up everything, we conclude that by doing some lifestyle changes you can avoid acid reflux. Further, by eating the right food you can also improve your overall health.

In essence, acid reflux should never be neglected as these conditions can result in significant problems. Further, do not ignore the symptoms of acid reflux and consult the doctor when in need.

Also, do include some physical activity in your schedule to keep yourself healthy. An unhealthy body is just a doorway to heartburn and acid reflux.

Hopefully, all the tips will help you in preventing these painful conditions. Do share this blog with your friends who are suffering from issues like heartburn.

Allen Hicks

Hey Friends, My name is Allen Hicks and I am a health and fitness nutritionist. My passion is to encourage and motivate people to find their best selves through the principles of healthy nutrition, mental well-being and dynamic physical exertion.

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